Nasal cancer???

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by JoAnn Dobbins, Aug 28, 2021.

  1. JoAnn Dobbins

    JoAnn Dobbins Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2021
    I have an 11y/o lab who we have been treating for what we think is a seasonal allergy. It all started on a walk in the park. He went to sniff something and started to sneeze violently with sprays of blood. The bleeding stopped after the sneezing. He was fine after that and it didn’t happened again for weeks. Now it seem to happen when he goes outside. Our weather has been very hot and humid. I took a good look at his nose to see a lesion just inside his right nostril. During his sneezing episodes he paws at his nose we think he may have scratched the inside of his nostril. The vet put him on an antibiotic and said to continue with the Benadryl. After a week there wasn’t much of a difference. He had another sneezing episode with blood…again after going outside. He kinda squishes up his nose and the sneezing begins. We took him straight to the vet. They took 3 X-rays of his head and sinus area and that came back negative. They also were able to snip a bit of the lesion and will send it to the lab. I am scared out of my mind. Nasal carcinoma is supposed to be rare in dogs, however we previously had two goldens who had “rare” cancers. Has anybody ever dealt with something like this? It happens when he goes outside leading us to believe it is an allergy of something in thr hot and humid air. Please….any ideas??? Thank you.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Hi Joann so sorry you find yourself in this situation. The important thing is not to panic unless your worst fears are realised then find an empty space and let it out!
    The only experience I have with head cancers are Mastcell tumours but they have been external on the nose and elsewhere. If it turned out to be that there are different grades and lots of treatment options.
    Hopefully the biopsy will come back quickly and you can move forward. Please keep posting and update us.
    Edp likes this.
  3. JoAnn Dobbins

    JoAnn Dobbins Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2021
    Thank yo so much for your response. They did X-rays of his head and that did not show any lesions in upper nose area. He didn’t sneeze at all until we took him out last night before bed. Then the violent sneezing with blood. The vet gave us another antihistamine so we’ll see if that helps. I’m hoping that lesion at the end of his nostril I’d from pawing at his face. We will wait for the pathology report and go from there. Again…thank you. I will post updates.
    J.D and Chris N like this.
  4. amelbeach

    amelbeach Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2020
    It started with reverse sneezing, coughing etc. we thought it was allergies. A month later he started growing a tumor on his forehead. We immediately took him in again and they said it was a possible infection. Turns out the underlying cause Kodi nox was cancer.

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