Paroxysmal Dyskenesia

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by ChewyNev, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. ChewyNev

    ChewyNev Registered Users

    Jul 6, 2021
    Hi there, we have a lovely 10 month old black lab Neville who (after a healthy dose of the puppy blues when I thought, what have I done?!) I love to bits and is such a good boy.

    For the last 2 weeks Nev has been staggering and falling down for a few seconds - not minutes - and wobbles a bit as if not able to get up, but conscious and not weeing or pooing and immediately fine afterwards. Initially it was once very 4 days, but for the last few days it has been happening 2-3 times a day. It seems to be when he gets up from some time lying down or sleeping that triggers it the most.

    From watching other videos online and reading about it, it matches the description of PD perfectly. BUT the frequency of the episodes is worrying me as I’m reading that most affected dogs have episodes twice a week or less frequently. Does anyone have experience of a dog having them this often and them last seconds, not minutes? Very difficult to capture a video, so I’m now filming him whenever he gets up. A lot of dull videos on my phone now where nothing happens!

    I’ve been to the vet, but this hasn’t been suggested so far. He has an ear infection which he’s now having meds for and they thought maybe that was affecting his balance, but I’m convinced it’s PD having read other threads (open to other causes of course and want to return to the vet and ask for a scan to rule out a tumour). With him having them this frequently, I want to know if he can have a normal life? Has anyone known treatment to reduce frequency in labs even if it can’t stop them happening completely. I’m so worried and upset. I feel like we had found our feet.

    Any advice welcome.
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Ear infections certainly can cause balance issues. Seizures tend to happen more when the dog has work or being resting then gets up.
    Has he been treated with Bravecto or anything similar recently?
  3. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    I suffer from Menieres and definitely think it could be related to the ear infection. Your brain gets it’s balance function from the inner ear so if he has an inner ear infection it is most likely to be that. Make sure it is 100% cleared up.
  4. ChewyNev

    ChewyNev Registered Users

    Jul 6, 2021
    Thanks for your reply. Neville has now been diagnosed with paroxysmal dyskinesia. The frequency of the falls increased to 7 a day and I managed to capture one on video. I took him to a specialist in Derby who is a leader in research into the condition and he said he was sure it is that. Since then he hasn’t fallen again so I’m hopeful it will be something that comes and goes and doesn’t cause him pain. The vet described it as a quirk the he can live with. I’m so relieved!
  5. ChewyNev

    ChewyNev Registered Users

    Jul 6, 2021
    Thanks so much for your reply. The ear infection is now clear, thankfully. After the falls increased in frequency I managed to capture one on my phone and took it to the vet who referred me to a neurological specialist in Derby the following day. I was convinced by now that Neville had something seriously wrong. I was heart broken. I took him on Friday and thankfully he was diagnosed with the condition I suspected it was…paroxysmal dyskinesia. It’s not life limiting, not painful and might lessen over time or even stop. Just confusing for the poor lad and really upsetting when I didn’t know what it was!
    Thanks again for your reply.
  6. ChewyNev

    ChewyNev Registered Users

    Jul 6, 2021
    Really want to add the video for others’ information, but not sure how to.
  7. Winny1003

    Winny1003 Registered Users

    Apr 25, 2019
    I know I'm a bit late with this reply, but my chocolate lab suffered with PD when younger it was never officially diagnosed as my vet didn't seem to know much about it. He started when around 18 months old, and it was normally triggered when he woke suddenly and jumped up. The episode would last for around a minute and he probably had 1 a month for a year or so, on one occasion he fell downstairs but luckily suffered no injuries. Anyway just to say he is now 7 and hasn't had any more so seemed to grow out of it. I hope all is well with your dog.

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