Raw Feeding Information

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Sammie@labforumHQ, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    We're often asked about raw diets, and whether they are a 'better' or 'worse' option for your dog.

    The answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. So here's a quick list of all Pippa's raw feeding articles, and some helpful other related articles, for anyone who's looking to learn more about their options :).

    How do you feed your pup? We'd love to hear what your dog eats and why, in the comments below :)

    From the Labrador Site:

    From the Happy Puppy Site:

    From Dogsnet:
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    I switched Toby to raw after he got high grade mast cell cancer at 18 months. He has thrived on it ever since and is now 61/2. Before the cancer he had many bouts of diarrhoea. Since being on raw he has had none. I buy Nutriment 1.4kg chubs in a variety of meats/fish for convenience. One chub last 2 1/2 days. I add some raw broccoli,sometimes blueberries and he has carrot as treats. Every couple of weeks he has a raw marrow bone.
    The food comes frozen and I am able to collect it locally every couple of months which saves postage and a lot of packaging.
    The only downside is remembering to take it out of the freezer in time. He has been known to have tinned pilchards when that happens which he loves too.
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    We're having a glut of eggs right now as all our hens have come into lay, so my dogs are getting a welcome addition to their diet. Glad to hear Toby is thriving on raw JD :)
    Sammie@labforumHQ likes this.
  4. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Thanks Pippa. Yes I forgot about eggs! As with most labs he would eat anything given the chance apart from lettuce and celery!

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