My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by pel842, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. pel842

    pel842 Registered Users

    Jul 14, 2014
    Hi all -- I'm brand new here -- living in the state of Georgia / USA. Our female lab will be 6 months old next week. We love her and take good care of her but she is challenging at times. The biggest problems are: 1) play biting 2) running off with things and won't put them down when told to, and 3) jumping up on kitchen counters repeatedly. She hasn't shown much improvement as she gets older. Is this just typical puppy behavior or is she getting a little old for this? Like to get some of your opinions on this subject. We do the time out thing when she bites now. Previously we had tried to yell out loud as if in pain but that just gets her more excited so we only do the time out now. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. lorilou61

    lorilou61 Registered Users

    May 13, 2014
    Indiana USA
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Hi and welcome from me and Edsel (5 month black)! We are in southern Indiana. I'm no expert but most of the things you describe certainly seem to be quite normal for most of the puppies on here, mine included. The biting has improved quite a bit unless he's over excited or over tired. Seems that counter surfing is quite a trait too and I'm finding the best way to manage is to keep things out of reach. I know the minute Edsel had snatched something he shouldn't have because he dashes away as fast as possible. I've found out, and most on here also recommend, to just offer him something to swap for. If you chase or make a big fuss over what they have it becomes a wonderful game.
    Some days are certainly more challenging than others but the laughs and love I get from him make it worthwhile!
    Tell us a little more about your girl, her name, color and share some pics! We love puppy pics!

    Lori & Edsel
  3. pel842

    pel842 Registered Users

    Jul 14, 2014
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Thanks Lori / Edsel! Here's one pic -- I'll try to post some others. Her name is Bella and my wife and I drove to Tennessee to pick her up in late March of this year! She's a handful -- but a lovable handful! :D


    [quote author=lorilou61 link=topic=6988.msg95185#msg95185 date=1405477925]
    Hi and welcome from me and Edsel (5 month black)! We are in southern Indiana. I'm no expert but most of the things you describe certainly seem to be quite normal for most of the puppies on here, mine included. The biting has improved quite a bit unless he's over excited or over tired. Seems that counter surfing is quite a trait too and I'm finding the best way to manage is to keep things out of reach. I know the minute Edsel had snatched something he shouldn't have because he dashes away as fast as possible. I've found out, and most on here also recommend, to just offer him something to swap for. If you chase or make a big fuss over what they have it becomes a wonderful game.
    Some days are certainly more challenging than others but the laughs and love I get from him make it worthwhile!
    Tell us a little more about your girl, her name, color and share some pics! We love puppy pics!

    Lori & Edsel
  4. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Hi there and welcome!
    sounds quite normal. Can't help with the counter surfing but I would definitely recommend a no chase technique for the running off with items. If she has a really good toy or even something new or tasty you can offer as a swap for the more precious stolen items then that worked well for us. As soon as she realises its not going to be a chase the quicker it stops.
    Lilly likes to run out the house with shoes ::) We turned it inta a "fetch" game.
    hope you enjoy the forum!
  5. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Hi there, welcome and what a gorgeous pup. I have Meg who is 5 months. Your lovely dog is still very much a pup and those behaviours are pretty typical and will take some time to disappear. She has still a lot of maturing to do. Just re-enforce the good behaviour, ignore the unwanted and you will get there. Enjoy her Emma. :)
  6. kevg487

    kevg487 Registered Users

    Jun 22, 2014
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Your issues sound normal but I'd be wary of letting them escalate. Many people will have so many differing opinions on what to do in order to solve these.

    My advice would be for 1 - play biting is normal behaviour with our dog we tried letting out high pitched yelp every time you were bitten this seemed to work, but as you say this hasn't worked you could try redirecting the biting to a chew toy.

    For 2 - our dog never done the whole running away with things, I know that this behaviour can escalate to possessiveness which you don't want. How do you address the dog if it doesn't leave the item? Can you hold a toy or treat at the dogs snout and it will wait for a command for take? I'd try working on that, the dog will soon realise you own the items can to wait until told otherwise.

    3 - how do you address this problem if you catch the dog in the act? Ours done this same thing only briefly around the same age, I'd say this is a normal puppy behaviour but something we weren't going to allow.

    For this we would claim the surface, by getting in between the dog and surface a giving a firm no or go away, which ever comnanbd you wish.

    Consistency and patience are key and I hope this helps. I'm sure other users will have other great ideas on how to help.

    Good luck.
  7. MadMudMob

    MadMudMob Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2013
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    [​IMG] from a teeny tiny black 5 1/2 year old Lab known as The DivaDog

    and her pet human [​IMG]
  8. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Hi there, and welcome :) Persistent biting is usually linked to over-excitement, and lack of 'direction'/boredom. Have a look at this article you'll find links to more information at the bottom.
  9. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Hi and welcome :)
    For yen biting I would carry on with time-out and read Pippa's article she has linked.
    For jumping on counters, I moved all items out of reach and Harley got bored of it being empty. If she jumps up when I'm making her food, I stop, move it back and don't finish it until she sits and waits.
    Love the photo of Bella, she looks lovely :)
  10. pel842

    pel842 Registered Users

    Jul 14, 2014
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Thanks everyone for your thoughtful and detailed replies. I knew you would come through! Earlier today Bella was acting up and I wanted to get online and re-read all of your suggestions just to refresh my memory! Here is a picture of Bella about 3 months ago...she's a gorgeous girl - but very mischievous! She was 16.5 lbs when we got her at 8 weeks old and now weighs about 53 pounds. Great to have this forum as an educational resource. Take care all!

  11. lorilou61

    lorilou61 Registered Users

    May 13, 2014
    Indiana USA
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    She's a beautiful girl! We got Edsel in Kentucky. Where in Tennessee did you get Bella? My husband just finished up a project in the Memphis area.
    I'm curious to know if Bella comes from working or show lines? Edsel is from working and I'm figuring out needs LOTS of physical and mental challenges and as he gets older seems to want more "working" type play.

  12. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    She's lovely. And welcome to the forum as well.
  13. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Bella is lovely. My pup Molly is 10 months and still a demon for taking things that aren't hers - shoes, TV remote, glasses etc. Basically we've learnt to me a lot tidier! However as others have suggested I also did the exchange for a food treat and she now knows the word 'swap' and will stop and let me take whatever it is - I also now only have to offer kibble.
  14. pel842

    pel842 Registered Users

    Jul 14, 2014
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Lori -- our breeder was in Crossville, Tennessee which is fairly close to Nashville as I recall. You have a good question about whether she is bred for show or work -- I don't really know the answer except that her father has been in shows in North Carolina as I recall.

    I am coming to the opinion that Bella has about 5 times as much energy as either my wife or I do and that she needs to expend that energy! I have been taking her on walks every morning and about every other evening. I went to a park the last several days that has lots more wide open space where she can be more active and she seems to love it!

    Joy -- good point about kibble. We give her treats but it doesn't matter to her whether it's a small treat or not. That will keep her from getting overweight!

  15. lorilou61

    lorilou61 Registered Users

    May 13, 2014
    Indiana USA
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    I've just come in from 1 1/2 hours of playing "seek and find" out in the brush, woods and creek so I completely understand the energy level you're dealing with. I'm coming to the realization that Edsel has to have activities that are as challenging mentally as physically to tire him out. Our latest game is I throw an object into a variety of settings or hide it in the house for him to "find." He is loving it so far. If you find what Bella is crazy about hopefully she will focus on that and work off that energy! Good luck!

  16. pel842

    pel842 Registered Users

    Jul 14, 2014
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Thanks. Yes labs love 'hide and seek.'! That's sometimes the only thing that gets Bella's attention -- I tell her 'where's mama?' (my wife) and she immediately starts tracking behavior. We make it a big deal when she finds us and she loves it!

  17. Tori_lizzie

    Tori_lizzie Registered Users

    Jul 1, 2014
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Hello welcome to the forum from Max and I. You're not the only one my 7 month old lab is exactly the same he's a menis for taking things he shouldn't but I recently have been trying to swap the stolem item for a toy, at first I felt like a right idiot for playing with a dog toy on my own but after a few minutes he gets it and drops the item to come to play, now the issue is if I stop playing he'll go back to steal the item back so it turns into a good ol' play tug of war until im close enough to pick the shoe or tissue paper etc up :) the food swap doesn't work often as he'd rather run off than to see a hand come near his beloved newly found toy haha
    As for the play biting I cannot help as Max has issues there as once he's frustrated he'll jump up and lunge at arms and hands to get my attention. Today I actually had the worst episode which I ended up coming on here to ask about.
    Kitchen counter surfing I solved by making sure he cannot reach anything :)
    I love love love the idea of finding a toy ill be sure to try that tonight
  18. pel842

    pel842 Registered Users

    Jul 14, 2014
    Re: My One Week Shy of 6 Months Old Lab

    Thanks Tori_lizzie. Yes my wife and I do the swap -- sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Labs are so smart -- and if they're mischievous they make an assessment of how interested you are in what they have in their mouth. Sometimes the trade is not acceptable! ;D

    I enjoyed your description of your Max. You see he is smart and is having fun with the stolen items! He doesn't want to end the fun!


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