Ideas to help us cope

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Puppypal, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Puppypal

    Puppypal Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2013
    Well finally puzzle has come into season today, but this poses a few dilemmas :-\

    Next week we are booked to go camping for 4 days. Which poses the problem of getting unwanted attention from other male dogs which has been a slight problem for the last week even though she was not in season then.

    Is there anything i can use/give to her to stop her from attracting unwanted male attention?

    The first season she had we did not have this trouble, she is also experiencing PMS and taken a dislike to entire male dogs and men for some reason (dogs understandable but not men) Going to start BATing any people we see when on walks just to try and create an association of people mean good things. By dislike i mean growling and barking at them and showing teeth and has attempted to bite a person already.

    The other annoying thing is that this means she won't be able to do her good citizen awards this year, although she is doing the bronze with female dogs, the silver is with an entire male bulldog who has already taken a likening to her so that is out of the question.
  2. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Ideas to help us cope

    You can get something called bitch spray, which I guess I supposed to mask the odour of her being in season towards to other dogs, but I have no idea how effective it is. It's not something I've used personally.

    With regards to her behaviour - I agree with BATing things she seems to be taking an issue to, the other option would be to avoid those situations entirely so she doesn't have any negative experiences. I read somewhere that negative associations formed during a season can sometimes have more of an impact on future behaviour so I guess that means you'll have to work extra hard.

    You will get through it and I'm sure the camping will be ok. It's only four days after all, I know it will be an inconvenience but you will just have to manage the best you can. Hopefully there won't be many other dogs around for you.

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