Which book first

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Popcorn, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Popcorn

    Popcorn Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2014
    Hello all, I'm new here, but here goes. I will be picking up my new yellow Lab pup in a couple of weeks. He is 4 months old. I have trained Labs in years past using methods of the old pros like Bill Tyrant, James Lamb Free, and Richard Wolters. But I wanted to try something more up to date, a more modern method, if you will. In my research I feel Ms Mattinson may have a pretty good handle on the training thing. What I need to know is which book should I buy first, "The Happy Puppy" or "total Recall"? I don't even hunt anymore, but I want the pup to be obedient and retrieve like he's supposed to, even if it's just in the backyard or down at the lake. Anyway, it's good to be here, look forward to the advise.

  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Which book first

    Hi and welcome :) what is pups name? Would love to see photos when you get some :)
    Personally I would recommend 'The Happy Puppy' book first as it gives you so many tips on having a new pup and about socialising etc. I wish the book was available when I got my dog as I would of done several things very differently!
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Which book first

    Hi Popcorn!
    Welcome to the forum :)
    I would recommend both (and I don't get commission)
    Neither of them are particularly pricey, and are easy and quick to read. My own feeling is that Happy Puppy gives you a bit more of an overview and training ethos, and Total Recall more of a plan of attack. I think.
    Good luck whichever way.

    Jac and Lilly (4 year old black girl)
  4. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Which book first

    If you are after training (for gundog work) I'd recommend the Gundog Trust books - including "the right start". And Total Recall.

    The Happy Puppy Handbook is a fantastic puppy book - house training etc. (I gave it as a present to someone getting a puppy this week! ;D ) but it's not a specialist gundog puppy training book.
  5. Popcorn

    Popcorn Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2014
    Re: Which book first

    Thanks for the advice folks. It looks like the Happy Puppy gets the vote. I've heard of the Right Start, but was under the impression that it was written in the same methods that the old hard handed books that I have a book shelf full of. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm interested in your viewpoint. Naya, pup doesn't have a name yet. I'm a fan of Boomer or Woody, my wife is a fan of Jackson, we both kind of like Jase, so I don't yet. Any name suggestions would be appreciated as well. Thanks again

  6. Popcorn

    Popcorn Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2014
    Re: Which book first

    JulieT, sorry for the confusion in my post above. The Right Start is another book of the same name here in the US. That is the one I was thinking of. My bad, I am looking into the ones you suggested. Thanks

  7. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Which book first

    Definitely The Happy Puppy First as pups need to be pups. Then have a look at Pippa's articles and buy The Right Start and go from there.

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