In the past 3 days, Harley has buried 3 items of food - a rice bone with peanut butter on, a vegetable toothbrush and a filled bone from PAH. She has done this once before, a long time ago, but never to this extent. I am concerned that she is burying food in preparation for pups I have also removed her little pig (rubber one she picked up at PAH earlier this week and wouldn't leave without it) as she came down at 2.30am to get it, has been licking it a lot, every time she picks it up she does it very gently, she is also taking it to bed with her. She is also digging her blankets and any cushions she can find. Do you think her hormones are causing all of this due to the emergency spay earlier this week? Should I un-bury what she has buried? Any other suggestions or help gratefully appreciated
Re: Burying food One of my labradors, Tess, will bury food if she gets a chance. I've never linked it with any particular part of her cycle. It just seems to be something she does from time to time. She has been doing it since she was about a year old. We now make sure she isn't left alone with food and access to a burying site Once of my cockers used to bury items of clothing - socks etc. Just dogs being dogs I think
Re: Burying food Hattie did the same after she was spayed, she would conicidentally carry a squeaky rubber pig round very gently and whimper, she would take it to bed and get quite distressed if she couldn't find it, even now at almost 7 years old if she is given this pig she would still do the same so I don't let her have it any more. Never burried food though, Charlie on the other hand will bury bones and certain toys and if he sees us watching he digs it up and buries it somewhere else just incase we had any thoughts of digging them up : I hope Harley is recovering well and getting back to her old self xx
Re: Burying food Thank you Pippa and Helen I will keep the pig hid away at the minute....funny how Hattie had a pig too! You have both reassured me with the burying and digging, thank you x
Re: Burying food Millie did the same Ternaya , it took several weeks post spay until she behaved normally x