Kennel happiness

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Lisa L, May 15, 2013.

  1. Lisa L

    Lisa L Registered Users

    May 5, 2013
    Hi all,

    Not sure this is the right place to put this as its not a training/behaviour issue as such so please feel free to move it.

    My young Lab bitch just arrived with me last Sunday having come from a farmer/breeder where she lived all her short life in a kennel and worked occassionally. I took the week off last week to bond/settle her into her new life and its safe to say she is very attached to me...a bit too much but hoping she gains confidence once she adjusts to her new routine. She is out in a large run through the day while i'm at work. Albeit a little whimpering initially (were only on day 3 of being outside) she seems a little happier each day. I've tried making it as comfortable and appealing as possible. Kennel is 8ft x 4ft with dog bed and carpet and she has remaining 10ft x6ft slabbed area to move and it looks out over fields. She has a bone in there but hasnt really touched it but did devour a pigs ear yesterday, a ball and another toy (tea towel with knot). Upon putting her in this morning i gave her a tripe bone which she scuttled off into her kennel with...progress!!

    My question is what else can i do to make her kennel time happier/relaxing/entertaining for her??

    She is used to being out in a kennel 24/7 with no toys/chews but with company so surely this is a step up in her eyes...or i hope so anyway. She is well exercised before she goes in and again in the evening and sleeps in the house.

    Thanks in advance :D
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Kennel happiness

    Hi Lisa, how old is your girl? I think it's safe to say that the biggest thing a lab wants is company and love. So while this is doubtless a much better situation for her, and I am not surprised she is attached to you as she will be delighted to have a kind and loving owner, she will nonetheless probably be missing her kennel-mate during the day. Can you arrange for someone to come round and see her during the day, and either take her out for a walk or else play with her a bit? I leave my dog during the day while I am at work as well, but I do make sure someone comes round at least once a day to take her out, or else I rush home at lunch to walk her!

    I believe that kongs stuffed with various kinds of food etc can keep dogs entertained for quite a long stretch of time as well.

    Good luck, let us know how you get on! Oh, and post photos!!! :)
  3. Lisa L

    Lisa L Registered Users

    May 5, 2013
    Re: Kennel happiness

    She is about 18 months although no too certain on that. Definately not over 2. I live in quite a remote area so dnt have any neighbours/family close by to drop in. My friend when he is onshore will come and walk/play with her but this wont be regular. I'm not close enough to go home at lunch either unfortunately. I will invest in a Kong and stuff it with yummy things to keep her occupied.

    Have posted some photos in the introductions bit

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