Took Charlie to the paddock today and we went through the gate into the gated walkway, all good, then we reached the end where the very large gate is into the next paddock. Charlie squeezed under it and ran across the paddock after a very low flying large bird, I called "Charlie come" he stopped for a second and decided it was better to come back to me then persue that darn bird ;D. He was so quick through the gate to reach me (I hope ) I couldn't give him food treats so I quickly threw his ball to him and of course lots and lots of praise. Good I think ??? Helen xx
Re: Progress or ....... Helen - think back about six months, and what would have happened had Charlie spied the open horizon blocked only by a large, low-flying bird... Would he have come back to you, or would he have chased that bird until he was a distant speck, not to be seen for several hours???? I think this is not only progress, but a reason to open a nice bottle of bubbly. I will, anyway, in Charlie's honour!!! ;D
Re: Progress or ....... Thank you ladies. Karen, I won't open the bubbly just yet, as we were in another totally enclosed paddock, so had we been in an open field he might not have thought about me and only the darn bird and been a speck on the horizon etc. etc., who knows, but for today it's a small achievement for Charlie and I am proud of him Helen 1, bird 0 Enjoy your bubbly ;D Helen xx
Re: Progress or ....... That's great! Real progress. It reminded me that I was going to tell you about Murffi's early recall training. I had charged the clicker so he knew a click meant a food reward was coming. I had him running around the garden and blew the recall whistle, at this stage the whistle meant nothing to him but hearing the sound he flicked his head around and looked at me, that was the moment I pressed the clicker and he came bombing back to me to collect his reward. In clicker training terms it is called shaping, you click not for the finished article but every tiny step in the right direction. In the case of the recall the first step is often that the dog pauses for a split second on hearing the cue and that is the moment you have to click. But remember the click is not to get the dog's attention, it is a promise of a reward for a behaviour you like, so if he doesn't pause for a millisecond, or flick his head on hearing the whistle or call to look at you you can't click.
Re: Progress or ....... That is a great tip Heidrun, thank you. I will make sure I have my clicker in my pocket on my next trip to the paddock and hopefully Charlie will offer an opportunity to put this into practice. I am not outside with my whistle just yet, but very nearly, so a verbal call will be just as good and hopefully I will get a 'look' to 'click & treat'. I will take extra special treats just incase In time this will help also build on Charlie's recall to the whistle. Many thanks, Helen
Re: Progress or ....... A brilliant result! Well done to both of you! I think I might use it as an excuse to open a bottle myself, LOL ;D
Re: Progress or ....... Really pleased for you Helen, lovely to hear you so much happier and more positive x I dont need any reason to open a bottle of the red stuff