New Article: Labrador Puppy Countdown

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by pippa@labforumHQ, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
  2. Leanangle

    Leanangle Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2014
    Re: New Article: Labrador Puppy Countdown

    I cannot overstate the importance of securing your garden properly. I spent ages blocking up any holes in fences etc. I thought it was 100% secure, unfortunately Bouncer is part Ninja & I am forever finding him trying to squeeze through a tiny gap or climb up the fence panels. He doesnt want to run away but is just curious whats on the other side.

    I never leave him unattended outside. But he does this thing where I if I turn my back he is off like a shot & I then spend a panicy minute trying to find him.

    Like I said, he is part ninja.


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