Pup Not Sleeping Through

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by MontysMum, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. MontysMum

    MontysMum Registered Users

    Aug 12, 2014
    Hi All,

    Our pup is four months old and he has gradually slept longer but has now stopped. For the last three weeks he has slept from 11:00pm to 4:30am. Last night it was 3:30am :-\

    We take his water away at 9:00 and his last feed is 7:00. We've tried moving the alarm on 15 mins but he still wakes at 4:30 on the dot. We'll wait until he stops crying (he is crated in the kitchen) before we go downstairs, we don't make eye contact or talk, he always has a long pee, so we figure his bladder isn't big enough yet but we are shattered. I get up at 5:15 for work and I can't get back to sleep after he has woken us.

    We thought he had outgrown his crate so we bought a big one, nothing seems to work. He does pee quite often when we go over the park. If we are there 20 mins he'll go at least twice so I'm wondering if he isn't fully emptying himself.

    Can anyone offer any advice as I just don't know what to do? ???
  2. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    It's really tiring isn't it. Chepi is 5 months now and gets up at 6.15. This morning she was crying at 5.45 which is rare, I let her out. She had to poo and it was a runny one. So, I think it's good to listen to your pup as he/she is expressing some level of need.
    I would start back at 4.30 (massively early) and move it forward 15 mins each night. You could check with the vet in case there is a urinary infection ( you never know).
    I am inexperienced but you will get lots of advice shortly when your post is seen. It won't last forever.
  3. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    Just takes time. Rue is 14.5 weeks and still wakes up once a night, sometimes twice! And it's never at the same time :eek:. Sometimes 1 AM, sometimes 3 AM, sometimes 5:30, etc. Luckily, she goes right back to sleep after she goes potty. Does yours?

    It can be tiring, but you have to remember just how small their little bladders are. They're still babies. Hang in there!
  4. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    The best thing we did with Gypsy (4 months) was to decrate her.

    I know this goes against received wisdom, but she hated the crate, so we put a puppy pen up for her for two weeks, then - when we were sure she was clean and dry in there, we took the pen away and just had her in her bed.

    All is well! Nothing chewed and she is clean and dry!

    They are all different, I was ready to put the crate back up if needed, then ready to put the pen back up if needed - but, not at all - it was as if her early morning woofing was saying 'hey! I'm a big girl now, get me a normal bed!'

    Now Tatze (17 months) still has her crate. If we leave the door open she cries until we shut it!

    They are all so different I think it's worth trying different things to see what works :)
  5. MontysMum

    MontysMum Registered Users

    Aug 12, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    Yeah Boogie, I was tempted to bring the crate upstairs to our bedroom to see if that makes a difference. He loves being around us and follows us everywhere. He's never stressed when we are out strangely.

    If that doesn't work I was thinking about decrating him but I will have to baby gate the bedroom door as our cat is not warming to the dog at all.....in fact my poor baby has moved upstairs and cries for attention so we have to keep going upstairs to fuss. The cat needs to be able to get in and out at night.

    Sigh, I don't know, everything else is going great.
  6. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    I have the cat thing too! So much to consider. But if I had Chepi in my room I wouldn't get any sleep ::)
  7. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    I had lots of early mornings with Meg at that age. She just needed to wee as was out and in quickly and straight back to sleep. She is now 6 months and gradually the 4 am moved to 6 nearly 7 sometimes. I think it's just a time thing. Their bladders need to grow :)
  8. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    I didn't get 8 hours sleep until Charlie was over 6 months (sorry). He didn't cry, I judged how long his nights could be by how much of a rush to the garden we had when I got up.

    Now though, bliss, I can't get him out of bed in the morning. Breakfast or a walk needs to be on offer for him to stir himself....

    It's tiring, but it doesn't last forever. It does get better.

    OH and I took late nights and early mornings in turn. One of us would stay up until midnight (this got earlier and earlier), while the other person had an early night. Then early night person would get up at 5am (this got later and later). We never got up in the night - which I think was the key for no crying. Just kept the nights really short.
  9. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=7871.msg110455#msg110455 date=1410985642]
    I didn't get 8 hours sleep until Charlie was over 6 months (sorry). He didn't cry, I judged how long his nights could be by how much of a rush to the garden we had when I got up.

    Now though, bliss, I can't get him out of bed in the morning. Breakfast or a walk needs to be on offer for him to stir himself....

    It's tiring, but it doesn't last forever. It does get better.

    OH and I took late nights and early mornings in turn. One of us would stay up until midnight (this got earlier and earlier), while the other person had an early night. Then early night person would get up at 5am (this got later and later). We never got up in the night - which I think was the key for no crying. Just kept the nights really short.

    Oh, so good to hear your pup sleeps in now. How old is he again?
  10. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    [quote author=Rue7514 link=topic=7871.msg110460#msg110460 date=1410987880]
    Oh, so good to hear your pup sleeps in now. How old is he again?

    He started sleeping for 8 hours around 6 or 7 months, and I'd say stopped getting out of bed in the morning until there was something to get up for, around 10 months. Recently, at 16 months, he conned his way onto the bed and now he goes to bed before us, and gets up after us.
  11. Looby Lou

    Looby Lou Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    Our two have been sleeping through for 4/5 weeks now, (17.5weeks old) with several nights prior to that. We get up at 6am for work and that's when they get up, but they sleep a bit longer at weekends cos we do. They were crated in our bedroom until they got too big for that crate and we got a new giant crate which will only fit downstairs. They also have a bowl of water in their crate at all times.

    Have you tried keeping him awake/entertained more in the evenings? We found that helped, as they were falling asleep around 8pm but waking at 3 or 4 am, now we walk them or play in the garden in the evening, with some training or ball throwing. They also have some time wrestling each other as they are now lol, then they will settle and sleep straight through.

    Lou x
  12. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    Sorry - I didn't mean our bed, she has her own bed. Both dogs sleep downstairs.

  13. Petrina

    Petrina Registered Users

    Aug 28, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    I have no answer but lots of sympathy, bailey goes 11-6.30 , but I do run round the garden prior to bed! But I think it's just luck ( or temporary good will ! )
    Hope improved soon c
  14. Leanangle

    Leanangle Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    Bouncer has always slept through untill 6 > 6:30am. He is a very active Dog & my kids play with him as soon as they get in from school untill dinner time. I am sure this helps.
  15. Suthuncat

    Suthuncat Registered Users

    Jan 6, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    orion goes out for the last time around 2000 or so.... then he's inside and snuggled in MY bed ::) and sleeps through till i get up. if i have to get up early (school mornings), he very reluctantly ambles out to the kitchen and plops down for a few minutes' snooze while i fix breakfast for the kids. if it's a weekend, he'll sleep in till 0800 or so, when i wake up..... but we run him a LOT during the day - 2 walks most days, and then a wild romp with the kids in the yard, chasing balls, playing fetch, etc... so i think that has a lot to do with it.
  16. bryn_diesel

    bryn_diesel Registered Users

    Jun 23, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    We have been having the same issue with 5 month old Bryn.

    He was sleeping through until about a month ago, then started whining during the night - usually at around 1-2am... we'd let him out of his crate only for him to run straight to lounge and jump on sofa (!)...

    it had to stop... we tried de-crating him and he was clean all night but there was still some whining in the early hours... so we went back to the crate; we don't want him sleeping on the sofa during the night... the crate is convenient for us when visiting family etc as well...

    so this week we've just been steadfastly ignoring him during the night and he has been getting a lot better.. last night there was no noise until around 6.45 which is a reasonable time to get up in our house anyway...

    the key is obviously to know when he needs a wee and when hes crying for attention!
  17. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    Guess I've been lucky all along!! Cooper (6 months now) has slept through the night almost from day one. He sleeps in his crate in the family room on the other side of the house from me. Goes to bed around 9:30 after a wee and (hopefully) poo....and I get up at 7 and he is lying in his crate...he is awake but maybe I wake him with creaking floors as I walk down the hall towards the kitchen! But he has never made a sound during the night. So I guess each dog is like us humans....individuals...all different.
  18. MontysMum

    MontysMum Registered Users

    Aug 12, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    Thanks everyone, pup is now four months goes to bed at 11:00 and still cries at 4:30 and we let him out and he has a long wee, he goes straight back in his crate with no probs. Then he wakes us up at 5:30 and goes out for a poo.....after that Hubby stays up as I get up at 6:15. So we know he really wants to go out and so we can't bring ourselves to ignore him......just don't know what to do.....poor Hubby is wrecked.

    I did suggest that we put the pup to bed at 10:00 as he is usually asleep on the floor in the living room anyway. This would give Hubby more sleep but doesn't solve the problem.

    I suppose we just need to wait until he grows out of it.

    Any further advice would be great if anyone has any suggestions....in the meantime thanks for your responses some of them were hilarious! ;D
  19. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    With our first pup we took the same approach as JulieT

  20. Steph

    Steph Registered Users

    Jun 9, 2014
    Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through

    We did the split shift for a couple of months too. It was the best way to get enough sleep for both of us. I'd be out for the count by 10pm and up 6 ish while OH was sleeping the 1130-730 shift, then we'd hand over at breakfast! Bit by by the 6am crept up to 8-something or other. First morning we weren't woken by barking had me in such a panic but as was well with a snoring puppy! Just add a few minutes each morning and things will get civilised again for you. Honest.

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