Hello, I found this book on Amazon. It's called 'A Blackwater Rising' by S Clark Garnett. It's an adventure story about a young man who goes on the run from the police and a team of deadly assassins. Initially it is set in the Wye Valley and the hero of the book is a young man called Matt Peake. Throughout his adventure Matt has with him his black Labrador called Wellington. It is a great read and I would definitely recommend it. Five stars!!!! I have a black Labrador called Monty and I think the book will appeal to Labrador lovers everywhere. I have tried to insert a picture of Monty but failed. Cheers Victoria68
Re: A Blackwater Rising Hi Victoria - welcome from me too, Must look out for this one Jacqui (& Lilly)
Re: A Blackwater Rising Warm welcome Victoria and Monty , this sounds like my kind of book , thanks for this