Labradors and backyard chickens

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by tamrmint, May 24, 2013.

  1. tamrmint

    tamrmint Registered Users

    May 24, 2013
    We are fostering a 16 month old service dog for a few months to socialize him until the adoption agency finds a home for him, and it's our first time with a I have had a few things come up today that I would love some advice on :)

    So, we have a 7 year old cocker spaniel. He is super laid back, but he is a guard dog. I'm finding out that this is very much part of his nature, so he has shown some guarding behaviors today. All in all the dogs have gotten along well so far, but I think tomorrow we'll take it a little slower.

    But we did have an episode with the chickens today. The cocker spaniel chases the chickens once in a while, but it is never anything big. He generally ignores them, which has been great. But today the chickens escaped (getting better locks for the coop tomorrow), and the labrador was a speeding train towards them. He caught one in his mouth in the living room, but thankfully she's okay. We found her hiding under the couch after we got the lab in the garage. I was just astonished at how quick he was, and I couldn't catch him.

    He is a fully trained dog, otherwise, and can wear his service vest to go outside. We've taken him in stores and to martial arts class with the kids already, so he is very good around people. I think his brain exploded when he saw the chicken though.

    Anyway, any advice for a laid back family who is used to a laid back dog?

    And just to answer the question I'm sure that pops into your head first: yes, we did think this through :) This was a very deliberate move for us to bring the dog into our home, and we are looking at this as a learning/growing experience for us. So I'm just doing extra research tonight, seeing what else we can do to help all the dogs/pets acclimate as gently and naturally as possible.
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Labradors and backyard chickens

    Hi there, and welcome! What a super thing it is you are doing, and after a few teething problems I am sure you'll get things sorted and be very happy together.

    Regarding the chickens - yes. That could be an issue! My lab leapt five feet into the air the other week, and snatched one of our budgies in full flight - didnt kill it either, which was amazing. I think you are going to have to keep the chickens in full lockdown mode, until you can start very gently teaching the lab that they are not, repeat not, anything he is to hunt. But I would never trust him with them!!!

    Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress!
  3. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Labradors and backyard chickens

    welcome and good luck :)
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Labradors and backyard chickens

    We have chickens and ducks, which we got when our old Lab was about 10 yrs old. After a year of training we trusted him enough to let him off lead with them. The thing that really dampened his interest was getting pecked on the face. Our current Lab is 5 months into his training with the birds and I do not let him close than 1 metre to them on lead. He is progressing well, but is still quite interested in them and I am confident that he'd chase if one ran. So, basically, it can take a very long time to train a Lab not to chase a flappy, cackley bird in its backyard.

    Training for us mainly involves on-lead exposure to the birds with rewards for quiet behaviour or for looking away from the birds. Over time we have progressed from doing this eith the birds still in their coop, to being in their run, to being out in the backyard. Any movement towards them that I consider to be too quick and excited earns a verbal rebuke. It works, but it takes a lot of time.

    If you only have the dog for a few months you can hope to make progress but never trust the dog off lead with the birds out.
  5. tamrmint

    tamrmint Registered Users

    May 24, 2013
    Re: Labradors and backyard chickens

    Thank you all for the replies! The chickens are in the coop full time for now, and although the dog has sniffed the coop a couple times...he has also revealed his guilty face when I call his name. So, I think things'll be okay :)

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