Re: Positive Gundog (Karen Pryor clicker books) I have the UK version of it (Clicker Gundog) - these books are described on the Karen Pryor site as being complementary, with Positive Gundog being aimed at the US market, and Clicker Gundog the UK market. ( It's a great book. It's not a beginner's book though, and it is quite "serious" in that it assumes you have access to live game and shotguns. But maybe that's just me in that I can't see me keeping quail in Wimbledon! ;D
Re: Positive Gundog (Karen Pryor clicker books) I have the American version. It is definitely not for someone just starting with Gundog training. Pippa's The Right Start would be much better suited.
Re: Positive Gundog (Karen Pryor clicker books) I second "the Right Start" it's excellent. Clicker Gundog is very good too but not a starting point to my mind.