urinary Tract infection?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by cubby, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. cubby

    cubby Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2014
    Could my new puppy already have a UTI?

    I've noticed when I bring her out to pee/poop, she will pee, then take a few steps and squat to pee again. Sh e almost always squats 2-3 times in a 5 minute period.

    I have been praising her and more recently began giving treats when she goes potty. I usually say "go potty". Should I be saying separate phrases for pee and poop?

    Part of me was thinking she could be just wanting more praise and squatting just for that? It doesn't seem like much pee is coming out. But it's hard to tell. She's only 8.5 weeks old. She went to the vet Monday and they gave her a clean bill of health, though she did have a "tucked vulva". But the vet said it could correct itself as she grew. She seems ok otherwise.
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: urinary Tract infection?

    My 11 week old pup is doing the same but he's lasting really well overnight. I think he just gets distracted while weeing and doesn't empty himself. It's making housetraining a bit of a slog and we've had quite a few accidents in the house. He's confined to the kitchen now and I'm working the other side of a baby gate. At least it's easier to clean up then.....

    If you can get a wee sample they can do a quick check for indicators at your vet and they can definitely get UTIs this young.

    Good luck !
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: urinary Tract infection?

    I agree with Barbara , they can and do get infections at an early age , so if in doubt, get a sample , and good luck with that ;) Having said that , young pups often don't empty their bladders completely , and some adult dogs don't either . I always use a separate word for each function , seems to work fine :)
  4. cubby

    cubby Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2014
    Re: urinary Tract infection?

    Ok, so that could just be it. Last night she just had 1 wake-up. She peed at 9:45, we went to bed and I woke up at 3am to bring her to pee outside.

    How in the world would you go about getting a urine sample? Just in case I decide I should.
  5. sussex

    sussex Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: urinary Tract infection?

    it may be worth checking for u t i but i was told by someone that young puppies double wee in a very quick one after the other i hope i am not getting this wrong for you but someone else on here will probably let us know if i have got that right
  6. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: urinary Tract infection?

    My dogs got UTI s at about 12 to 14 weeks.

    Mine are both male and UTI is more common in females. They probably got it from eating chicken muck then having a good lick to put it bluntly :-\ as it turned out to be ecoli in the bladder. I got quite an expert at getting samples by the end I could even get them straight into a sample pot. ;D It went on a long time because it wasn't diagnosed to begin with properly.

    First try a clean plastic bowl or tub. Wait for the squat and stick it under. Then you can decant it into something with a lid. I got sample pots from the chemist. I think I still have some. ::). I think someone on the forum used a tray I used those plastic tubs you get Chinese food in so I could put the lid on.

    As Barbara said you can just take the sample into the vet and they will test it if you want to be sure. Good luck. :)
  7. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: urinary Tract infection?

    Yes, get a test (never any harm in that).

    But our Pongo learned very quickly (at around 10 weeks) that he got a treat for every wee outside. He then absolutely mastered the art of the 'multiple wee' - that is, go outside, do a dribble, come back for biscuit. Turn round and do another dribble, come back for second biscuit. Repeat several times. We never discouraged him because it was obviously helping him develop excellent bladder control! (At ten months he now seems to have a bladder the size of an oil tanker, he can go all the way through from dinner time to after breakfast without any wee at all... much better than me...)

    At about 11 weeks he also spent some time trying the 'fake wee' on us. This meant going outside even when he didn't have anything to produce, squatting nicely, putting a look of deep concentration on his face (while watching us out of the corner of his eye to make sure we were looking), then dashing up to us licking his lips and looking hopeful. He was always very disappointed when it didn't work.

    So I wouldn't put it past your pup to be just trying a few tricks for some extra treats ;D! But do get a test done for UTI just in case, a UTI is horrid and painful and you don't want your little girl to be suffering.

    Let us know the answer?

  8. Holliesmum

    Holliesmum Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2014
    Re: urinary Tract infection?


    Hollie has an inverted or tucked vulva and when doing more research we found they are prone to uti's, they are also more likely to get skin sores as they can't clean properly

    We clean Hollie at least once a day as it gets quite mucky down there.

    We also give her half a cranberry tablet to try and dilute her urine a little, she isn't a big drinker so we add some water to her kibble and frozen kongs.

    We are hoping her first season will correct her problem but the vet doesn't think so and she will need some surgery to correct it, we are waiting to see.

    No harm in getting a test, Hollie hasn't shown any signs of a uti yet so we are lucky.

    I hope your little pup is just playing for treats

  9. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: urinary Tract infection?

    [quote author=cubby link=topic=8194.msg115756#msg115756 date=1412858465]
    Could my new puppy already have a UTI?

    I've noticed when I bring her out to pee/poop, she will pee, then take a few steps and squat to pee again. Sh e almost always squats 2-3 times in a 5 minute period.

    I have been praising her and more recently began giving treats when she goes potty. I usually say "go potty". Should I be saying separate phrases for pee and poop?

    Part of me was thinking she could be just wanting more praise and squatting just for that? It doesn't seem like much pee is coming out. But it's hard to tell. She's only 8.5 weeks old. She went to the vet Monday and they gave her a clean bill of health, though she did have a "tucked vulva". But the vet said it could correct itself as she grew. She seems ok otherwise.

    My Penny also had a tucked or inverted vulva when she was a young pup and this does make bitches prone to getting urine infections so I would get a urine sample to your vet ASAP. Penny had almost constant UTI's until she was diagnosed and we were able to get her on preventative treatment - cranberry supplements, ensuring good water intake, and keeping her vulva clean, will all help to reduce the frequency of urine infections.

    Inverted vulvas are self correcting when the bitch has a season, so it is important you let her have at least one before speying. After the season your vet can reassess whether the condition has corrected itself or not. I'm happy to say that after Penny had her first season everything went back to normal and she hasn't had a UTI since.
  10. cubby

    cubby Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2014
    Re: urinary Tract infection?

    Well. I am not so worried about a UTI now. The only thing that concerned me was how she squatted more than once to pee outdoors. But it makes sense that maybe she gets distracted and hasn't totally eliminated the first time. She hasn't been peeing in the house. She can go a couple of hours without having to go during the day, but I have been bringing her out more often just to be on the safe side.
  11. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: urinary Tract infection?

    Another sign of UTI is an increase in drinking (forgot to mention that before). It's usually an obvious increase so if she is still drinking as she always has hopefully all is fine. :)

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