Does it make your puppy's pumps/trumps smell really bad? We are in the process of moving hollie on to it as the Simpsons did not agree with her but my god she stinks!!!!!! ;D
Re: skinners I don't have any experience with that particular food but I've found that if my pup's "fluffs" are ripe then something in the food is not agreeing with him. So that could be a possibility.
Re: skinners We use skinners for our Holly and we only have very rare 'ewww Holly you rotter' moments.
Re: skinners Yes it caused my WCS puppy very bad wind and gurgly tummy so moved her off it and onto JWB with no further problems. Chloe
Re: skinners Tatze is on Skinners Salmon and rice and has never had any wind. She is sleek and shiny and healthy. My friend's Lab, Zaba, was on Skinners Duck and had terrible wind, so much so that she changed his food!
Re: skinners Esther,I think it all comes down to a bit of trial and error to get their diet right....I'm a bit the same as Lisa,now that his tummy is pretty stable if Dexter is a bit windy then he's eaten something that doesn't agree :
Re: skinners Bouncer is on Skinners Lamb & Rice Puppy. Never had any problems with wind. All dogs are different.
Re: skinners Rosie is on Skinners - Field and Trial Puppy. This is what the breeder was feeding her on and she is growing really well on it so we haven't changed. She has a lovely glossy coat and absolutely no stinky incidents! We will probably move to other Skinners food once Rosie is a bit older.
Re: skinners It might be just a question of getting accustomed to the new diet. I should give it a few days.