potty training advice please!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Loopyloo30, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Loopyloo30

    Loopyloo30 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Hi all..

    Bob did well last night, had a poo and a wee around 11pm. Then up at 3am for a wee. But I got up at 6.30am again to take him out... and he refused to go. Stood outside for a while then brought him back inside. The first thing he did was wee on his mat!!! GRRRR Said NO and took him back out again, but of course he's voided now so didn't need to. Wiped down and put mat in the wash etc.. Not sure what to do? Do I up the treats for going outside? I got some liver cake at puppy training yesterday?

    Also our wee/poo command is chop chop. Do we say that JUST as he's going? Or during as well?

    Thank you,
    Lou x
  2. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: potty training advice please!

    Make sure you use one of the special enzyme cleansers to deal with accidents (like Simple Solution) otherwise the smell will linger (for him not you) and he will regard it as the right place to perform.
  3. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: potty training advice please!

    The advice I've read says not to tell them off for going inside. Firstly, unless you catch it right at the moment he's doing it, he won't connect the NO to the act of going to the loo but secondly, and more importantly, he'll just learn not to wee in your presence. Maybe try a puppy pad outside, which is impregnated with ammonia so encourages them to wee on it (this is what I'm doing with Willow) and give lots of praise when he does it out there. Simply ignore any messes inside. I don't think you can expect him to be 100% at this age.
  4. Loopyloo30

    Loopyloo30 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    [quote author=Mollly link=topic=8293.msg117160#msg117160 date=1413444597]
    Make sure you use one of the special enzyme cleansers to deal with accidents (like Simple Solution) otherwise the smell will linger (for him not you) and he will regard it as the right place to perform.

    Hi Mollly yes I'm using a special spray, but I plan on giving the whole floor a total clean today just in case I've missed anything or if any wee on his feet has spread the smell about somehow. Personally I just don't think he likes going outside. Earlier today he was whimpering loads just before he pooed, he seemed really stressed with it and was trying to get out of his 'area' just before.

    I've upped his potty treats - I got some liver cake at puppy training yesterday. So will be giving him those if he performs in the right place to really reinforce it. I'm also clicking when he goes. It's just frustrating as we are trying so hard! Standing out in the dark and rain for ages for nothing to happen, and then for him to 'go' JUST after we get inside! Little monkey.

    Lou x
  5. lemmys mum

    lemmys mum Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    Bless there little fluffy socks they are trying on the nerves sometimes.
    I tended to pop Lemmy out whenever he signaled with body language, he'd stop what he was doing ie playing chewing and start to sniff about then as he sniffed around outside to find perfect spot I'd say or sing " go wee wee" till he performed as he did I'd keep saying it,then high level treat lots of praise. We now now have a clean puppy 99 percent of time.
    He now goes to door when he wants out and I say do wee wee and he just sort of goes.
    Think its just persistence and waiting for there sometimes really subtle signals till they learn that feeling themselves and can hold it long enough to wait to get out. Hope this helps a bit and good luck. X
  6. Loopyloo30

    Loopyloo30 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    Yes I think perseverance and consistency is the key here - thank you for the advice... I've upped the reward value and and we say "chop chop" when we see that Bob has started going so he can associate the command with the action. Then click and reward. Not sure what else we can do really! Just keep at it. I'll mop the floor in a bit and get it totally fresh inside....

    Lou x
  7. lemmys mum

    lemmys mum Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    :) Forgot to add and have learned from experience neighbors tend to think me a little eccentric for singing the wee wee song so your " chop chop " sounds better option good luck again.
  8. Loopyloo30

    Loopyloo30 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    [quote author=lemmys mum link=topic=8293.msg117193#msg117193 date=1413451533]
    :) Forgot to add and have learned from experience neighbors tend to think me a little eccentric for singing the wee wee song so your " chop chop " sounds better option good luck again.

    Thank you, we are going OK today but I'm super paranoid, not sure if any other new parents are too?! I feel I can't do anything whilst Bob is roaming just in case he starts to go. I can relax only when he's in his crate or on his mat. It's like having a newborn baby again!

    Crazy times!
    Lou x
  9. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    [quote author=Loopyloo30 link=topic=8293.msg117207#msg117207 date=1413457271]

    Thank you, we are going OK today but I'm super paranoid, not sure if any other new parents are too?! I feel I can't do anything whilst Bob is roaming just in case he starts to go. I can relax only when he's in his crate or on his mat. It's like having a newborn baby again!


    No, it's harder - babies wear nappies!

    But puppies are much more fun than babies! ;D
  10. Loopyloo30

    Loopyloo30 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    [quote author=Boogie link=topic=8293.msg117208#msg117208 date=1413457512]

    No, it's harder - babies wear nappies!

    But puppies are much more fun than babies! ;D

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  11. lunasmama

    lunasmama Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    Aw! Luna has accidents from time to time. When she's in her x-pen/crate, she does very well at letting us know she has to go with verbal cues. If she's out playing in the kitchen/dining area, then she's not as vocal. She sort of runs to the back door (the play door), and then runs back, or she climbs on her baby gate towards our living room (which faces our front door - the front yard is her main potty place).

    Half the time though when she runs to and/from the play door... and then seconds later she's peeing on the dining room floor. So, we as her owners, get confused! LOL. For the most part, she does very well. She hasn't ever needed A LOT of praise for going outside though on her own which is weird. I think she just knows that she doesn't want to pee/poo in her "den area" at all, and that seems to be motivation enough to let us know.
  12. Loopyloo30

    Loopyloo30 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    I put Bob in his crate earlier I'm sure he'd had a wee just before.. it's easy to forget when you are going out every 1/2hr lol... he was howling... then came back a bit later when he'd quietened down, and he'd had a poo AND a wee in there :( I hope this doesn't become a habit. I think we can put the mistake down to human error though... still not a nice experience for him in his safe place...

    Lou x
  13. Leanangle

    Leanangle Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2014
    Re: potty training advice please!

    Bouncer never has wee'd or poo'd in his crate. He now never poo's in the house but has the occasional excitement wee. It will happed soon for you.

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