Constantly on the move.

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Sersi, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Sersi

    Sersi Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2012
    Hi all,

    We're back from a trip to lovely rural France, Digby had a marvellous time and behaved perfectly on the very long drives there and back. :)

    I have been busy washing and sorting and therefore mooching round the house a lot...Digby cannot settle if anyone is on the move. He moves around the house to see what you're up to. If I'm in the same place for a while he lays down but then has to follow me into every room I might go in. He stands and waits at the bottom of the stairs too. Is this an age thing? He is not at all clingy, very confident and settles really well when we all do, but seems to find it impossible to stay still unless we are. Does it just take a long time for them to learn that often when you move its not to do anything exciting? Did your dogs do this and when did they grow out of it?
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    Hi Sersi, I find that Labradors tend to grow out of it, whereas spaniels never do. So it is partly down to temperament. Some dogs are a bit clingy, but many are simply 'nosey' and don't want to miss anything ;D

  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    Lovely to see you back and good that you had a great time , sounds like young Digby was such a good boy too :)
    Has he just been like this since you came home ? If so, its most likely just that his routine has been changed, he will soon get back to normal . If he has always been like it, then welcome to the world of Velcro Dogs :) :)
    Sam was a little like this when he was younger , sort of grew out of it at about 12 months oldish . He still mooches about after me if I am getting ready for us all to go out for the day or for a trip to see family , nose into bags etc . ;D
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    Hi Sersi,
    Dexter is 8 months and he follows me everywhere in the house....even to the toilet....if the house is empty I leave the door open and tell him to sit and he does until close of business ;) !if we have company I close the door and he stands up as soon as the door is closed and I can see and hear him sniffing along the gap in the bottom!too much info I can hear you all saying!
    Sometimes I think he must be knackered getting up and down all the time to come and see me empty the dishwasher or water the plants!If I was him I'd love those opportunities to just flop down and relax nice and comfy!Pippa will know best but I choose to think it is because he loves me so much,not because he is nosey he he!
  5. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    Hi Sersi, lovely to have you back and great you had such a lovely holiday.

    Hattie & Charlie follow me EVERY WHERE, Charlie even lies across my feet when I am washing up! the closer the better as far as they are concerned. If we are all in the sitting room watching TV and I leave the room so do my dogs even if they are super comfy and fast asleep. They haven't grown out of it although they are not full Labradors ;)

    I have been wondering why they behave like this with just me, does anyone have any ideas?

    Helen x
  6. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    Lilly isn't what I would think of as a clingy cuddly girl, but can NEVER go to the loo or have a shower without company ::)
    Used to be the kids. Now its the doggy.

  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    Obi follows us everywhere too (and, like Dexter, into the toilet if we are not fast enough with the door). I like to think they just like to hang out with their people, plus they are interested in what is going on. And maybe making sure that the humans are not secretly eating all the good treats....

    Glad that Digby (and all the humans) had a lovely time in France :)
  8. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    reading your post, i might add , jasper follows me around the house all the time , i would never let him go into my bathroom, he is not allowed to follows me up stairs unless i invite him, ;)
    today he was allowed to come up stairs with me whilst i was cleaning, he was happy to join me, he sat at the top of the stairs, with his favourite toy :)
  9. Sersi

    Sersi Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2012
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    Digby is not allowed upstairs either, although I have to use a stairgate to ensure compliance with that particular house rule. Upstairs is where my cat chills and she has no desires to become closer aquainted with the dog.
  10. debsie

    debsie Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2012
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    I think its a lab thing, my two follow me pretty everywhere too, expecially if we are visiting somewhere, friends house etc. Cuillin is gettling slightly better about it in our own house, at the grand old age of two, and if fast asleep will stay put when I get up and potter but she has to be really fast asleep (ie post long walk!). they both have to accompany me if I'm having a bath for some reason, and the slightest rustle in the kitchen results in 2 labradors appearing out of thin air . If I'm in a pub with pals Brodick can't even bear me to go to the bar without him, we get a right scene...has got me out of buying lots of rounds :)
  11. Sersi

    Sersi Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2012
    Re: Constantly on the move.

    I'll have to try that one...not sure my mates would buy it though!

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