Puppy Recall

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Markieee, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Markieee

    Markieee Registered Users

    Aug 26, 2014
    Only my second post, my first being how to stop a Lab barking in his crate, which was achieved successfully and thank you for all your help, he now sleeps from 10 - half 7 (finally catching up on my sleep!)

    But now I want to work on Bruno's recall, he has been let off the lead since he his injections at 12 weeks, but ever since he has got more confident he has started to wonder off, I have recently bought a dog whistle (not yet come) and just wondering if this is something that could help with getting his attention and wonder how I go about getting him to come back, and general help on how to improve his recall. Also some information on how to get him to stop pulling, I have looked into puppy classes but all are over subscribed until January next year which I will be doing.

    Thank you for your help!

  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Puppy Recall

    Hi there, get a copy of Pippa's book Total Recall. It takes you step by step from puppyhood onwards with easy little exercise it is brilliant. For pulling on the lead well that it is a long term piece of work with no quick solution. There are lots of threads on here about it old and newish. I am sure more will come on here with more detail, enjoy your pup Emma and Meg (8m) :)
  3. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Puppy Recall

    Hi, glad you hit the barking sorted and are getting some sleep :)

    Love the photos, so cute :)

    Recall - I started by getting my daughter to stand 10ft away from me then call her, we then increased the distance slowly calling her back and forth with a treat when she came to whoever called her. After this, we would let her go sniff, then as soon as her head came up, I would call her back and reward with a treat each time. I then moved onto distractions and recalling her from these. It's not a 2 min job, even at 14 months old, I am continually proofing her recall.

    Pulling on the lead - sorry, can't help as I'm still working on this one unless we walk around the block where she does walk nicely.
  4. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Puppy Recall

    Willow's breeder started recall training with the puppies as soon as they started moving out of the whelping box. In the mornings, he'd open the door and let the mother out and pip three times on his whistle as they followed her towards him. When they were being weaned onto solids, he would use the whistle at each meal time to call them to their bowls. It was amazingly effective and Willow's recall to the whistle is fabulous (with the caveat that this is only at home at the moment because she's not had her second injections yet). So maybe try doing that at each mealtime to reinforce the whistle with good things?
  5. Leanangle

    Leanangle Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2014
    Re: Puppy Recall

    Always take a HIGH value treat with you. Hotdogs cut up, dried spratts etc. This will help lots.
  6. Leanangle

    Leanangle Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2014
    Re: Puppy Recall

    As for the actual training, let your Pup off the lead when you are comfy & walk along he will probably walk along quite close to you. When he wanders off ahead of you wait untill his attention is elswhere then stop in your tracks. Let him get as far as you are comfy then call him back (remember to have that high value treat in your hand).
    He will come bounding back, cue shoving that treat in his gob.

    Rinse & repeat, each time letting the lil guy get fruther away.

    Thats how I do it & it has paid of wonderfuly.
  7. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Puppy Recall

    Hi Markieee,
    Lovely to meet you on here...I went into the main site Thelabradorsite.com to pull off some training info for you with regards the recall ....



    But then realised I'm better off just directing you there when you have pulling issues.....which is a massive topic......there is so much there to help you x

    I had limited formal training resources as I live in Dubai so I empathise with you not being able to get straight onto a training course.I pretty much had to fettle pulling on my own with the help of Pippa's Training articles and advice from the lovely members on here .....it takes time and commitment because naturally labs love to pull but you can do it .....I've lost the will at times and cried....but we are reasonably ok now to walk nicely without pulling for just on an hour x

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