We got a puppy 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately on the way home noticed she had fleas. The breeder said she'd used front line but pup was due another treatment/prevention that week. We went straight to the vet and they used advantage. I de fleaed her with a comb and she's looked clear ever since. I comb her everyday and have found no more evidence. I hoover everyday and sprayed the house. Last week she had some diarrhea with mucusy blood in it. Back to vets and got some pro kolin and a 3 day course of dewormer and chicken and rice diet. Seems to have done the trick but puppy is very very itchy since starting these meds. Are they known to cause itchiness or am I to presume it's the fleas? I can still find no evidence of them and it feels like I'm just terrorising my poor puppy with the flea comb! Any advise is gladly received x
Re: Itchy puppy Oh that's no good, poor pup. I'd say it's best to talk to the vet about it A food or seasonal allergy (like pollen or mould) is possible too. Itchiness is miserable so it'd be good to get to the bottom of it.