Juno update

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by cubby, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. cubby

    cubby Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2014
    Juno is going to be 13 weeks this weekend and she is just fabulous! I'm estimating she's probably about 25 pounds. She's eating 3 cups of kibble a day (3 meals). She's had a few bouts of diarrhea, which stinks, but she's on the mend.

    She is just a great dog. I realize now how much breeding pays a part in this. I thought I got lucky with my last lab, who passed away in September. He was so easy going and laid back. I never had a problem with him like I read about with some other dogs. He was never aggressive, he went with the flow, he was very tolerant of whatever the kids did to him. Never growled or showed any aggression. He wasnt afraid of anything new. I did pay quite a bit of money for him 12 years ago and now I've spent 2x+ that amount for Juno and she is the same way. She doesnt ever growl. She lets the kids fawn all over her. She isnt a barker (just like our old dog wasnt) she doesnt whine, she loves people, loves the neighborhood, etc...I could go on and on about her.

    The only issues we have had with her so far is her biting (which is normal puppy biting) and I know will gradually come to and end. And she loves to chase our 14 year old cat. But those arent really big problems. She is potty training and she's just alot of fun.

    We've gated off the mudroom for her and that is her "safe space". She has her crate and bed in there and a water bowl. We can put her there while we are busy cooking dinner and we dont have to worry that she is getting into anything. At night she sleeps in a large crate in our bedroom. It took her 3-4 nights to really take to that and now she goes in her crate around 9:30 and lays right down and she sleeps right thru until 6 or 6:30. She doesnt whine to come out and just waits for us to get up and open the crate. Talk about a dream!

    I do plan to take her to some sort of obedience or puppy kindergarten classes, just have to find the time with working 30 hours a week + having 2 small kids and the holidays are coming up. I dont think she needs it for the socialization, but she could use some manners when it comes to "counter surfing" on the coffee table and getting excited and trying to jump up to get things from the kitchen counter (she is too small to come even close right now, but she wont be for long!)

    Here's a recent picture
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Juno update

    A lovely photo, she is gorgeous and it sounds like she is coming along just fine, good girl Juno :) I would certainly get her socialising with other pups and adult dogs as soon as you can , this is by far the best age for this to happen , she will learn so much by mixing with others too and have fun in the process , what a good pup :)
  3. cubby

    cubby Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2014
    Re: Juno update

    Oh, she has been socializing plenty! Thats why I'm not sure she needs puppy kindergarten for that. Our neighbor has a 3 year old lab/pointer mix and those 2 would play all day if they can! She has met a few other dogs that also got along with her. Our other neighbors dogs do not like her as much - one is a small 8 pound havanese and Juno is just too rambunctious for her. Then another neighbor has a rescue dog that isnt as into Juno...I think she is just too excitable and nippy for some older calmer dogs.

    She has also been to the park a bunch and played with puppies and adult dogs there as well.
  4. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Juno update

    She is cute :) what a good girl - it is so nice when they just get on with things :)
  5. Kirriegirl

    Kirriegirl Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2014
    Re: Juno update

    Sounds like she is doing really well. She has a lovely placid face :)
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Juno update

    I want your puppy! ;D She sounds like a dream :) And so cute too.

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