Water At Night?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by MontysMum, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. MontysMum

    MontysMum Registered Users

    Aug 12, 2014
    Ok so I have answered a post of Facebook about whether crated pups should have access to water at night. I have followed The Happy Puppy Handbook and remove water at 10:00pm and then open the crate at 6:00am and find that my pup has no interest in water for about half an hour. So I stated that it was rubbish that they need access.
    I had a lady respond in manner that accuses me of animal abuse, :-\ so feeling that I have always received the best advice on the site, I'm asking the question again to you guys as to whether my pup should have access in his crate.

    Thanks everyone x
  2. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Water At Night?

    Oh blimey....horrible when you feel 'got at' x
    Giving my usual tag line ....'Dexter is our first dog blah blah blah' I'll tell you what I did and I don't think I'm cruel and luckily he's survived so far ;D he was 5 months mind ,so not a very young puppy...
    We shut him in his crate between 10 and 11 and let him out again between 5 and 6 am with no access to water,he was neither desperate for a drink or desperate for wee when we let him out....he still isn't now.If they drink adequately through the day ,it seems reasonable to me to last through the night whilst asleep?
    Pippa hadn't released the Happy Puppy Handbook as we got Dex but if she had I'd have followed her advice to the letter....whilst intuiting what my dog needed....if Dexter had seemed desperate for a drink when we let him out I may have revised our routine....he's always had a bowl available on his room which he had permanent access to from about 10 months when we started leaving the crate open .....
    There you go let's see what other replies come by x
  3. Lochan

    Lochan Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Nov 23, 2012
    North East England
    Re: Water At Night?

    I have never put water in the crate overnight for any of my pups and they have all been fine. Don't worry, your pup will be fine too.
  4. Incastinker

    Incastinker Registered Users

    Oct 17, 2014
    Re: Water At Night?

    I haven't left Inca with water overnight and she's fine. I feel she's past the age now where I need to remove it from her at night but she tends to drown her toys in it or drag her bedding into it if left with it at night so I've ended up continuing to do so while she's crated.
  5. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Re: Water At Night?

    I have never left water in their crates either. Water is always available, so they drink as necessary during the day. It doesn't seem to be a priority if they have been crated during the day either, as it's never their first thought on being let out. Wispa would probably prefer to drink from one of the bird baths in the garden anyway (or any muddy puddle on a walk!) - she prefers rainwater to tap water!
  6. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Water At Night?

    I don't remove water in the evening and sometimes she drinks right before bed time, but she can manage to go through the night even if she does. But I don't put water in the crate overnight. I don't think it's necessary at all; she's asleep! If she wakes up in the morning before I do, she tends to pull her vet bed up, so the water would end up everywhere. Willow doesn't rush to her water bowl when she's let out; in fact, she probably wouldn't have any water in the morning if I didn't put some in with her food!

    No, I don't think it's necessary at all, and that lady needs to shut her trap.
  7. Holliesmum

    Holliesmum Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2014
    Re: Water At Night?

    We have never put water in hollies crate and she is fine :)
  8. Merla

    Merla Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Water At Night?

    Me neither, never put water in the crate. My dog hardly ever drinks in the house except a while after food and after a walk. During a walk she thinks muddy puddles are, obviously, far preferable to the fresh bowl variety ;D). I think it's reasonable to say that if you were in a very hot climate without air conditioning or the dog had only just had a lot of exercise or a meal before being crated there might be a reason to put water in the crate. Otherwise, there's no reason to. Rise above the rude comment - the poster was clearly not as well-informed as she thinks she is, and most people reading the thread will recognise this.
  9. Petrina

    Petrina Registered Users

    Aug 28, 2014
    Re: Water At Night?

    Never had water in crate, bailey goes 11-7 and shies no interest in water!
    Even when we had left heating on!
  10. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Water At Night?

    Just out of interest, was she English? It's just different nationalities seem to have different ideas about animal care. I have a friend who runs a Scottish Cats Protection League FB page and she got a torrent of abuse from someone in America for suggesting the cats should go outside! I looked into it, and the number of American websites saying you should NEVER let your cats out is huge! Peta's website is probably the most amusing: http://www.peta.org/issues/companion-animal-issues/cruel-practices/outdoor-cats/

    "Cats face countless dangers outdoors: They can be hit by cars, attacked by other animals, or abused by cruel people. They can contract contagious diseases or parasites. They can be poisoned by spilled antifreeze or maimed by fan blades when they crawl into warm vehicle engines on winter days. They can even be stolen by dogfighters who use them as “bait” or by “bunchers” who cruise neighborhoods for friendly dogs and cats who can easily be picked up and sold to dealers, who in turn sell them to laboratories for use in painful experiments."

    For clarity, I'm not American-bashing here, but to British ears, this sounds, frankly, ridiculous :D
  11. Leanangle

    Leanangle Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2014
    Re: Water At Night?

    No water in crate for Bouncer & he is never overly thirsty in the morning.
  12. MontysMum

    MontysMum Registered Users

    Aug 12, 2014
    Re: Water At Night?

    Aww thanks everyone, feel better that I'm not mistreating my pup.

    The lady was in the UK and told me I was wrong, I asked her where she got her advice from and she said she was a qualified animal carer and she had spent four years getting her qualifications.

    I also said that I remove water while my pup was eating as the biscuit were soaked and had a gravy. I always put down the water a little while after eating as I read this was a good tip on the bloat site. She then couldn't believe I removed the water while the pup ate........I kinda got frustrated and advised that my vet had also suggested this......Admin then told us to stop.....bit shocked really as it was me being had a go at for not looking after my pup properly. She also said it was one of the five laws that dogs should always have access to fresh water at all times.

    I knew I would get good advice from here, think it may be best if I just leave the group on FB.

    Thanks everyone x
  13. Julie1962

    Julie1962 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2014
    Re: Water At Night?

    I have always put water down day and night, I am sure they could do without but little Betty gets hot sleeping with me as I have those wonderful hot flushes ladies of my age tend to get and she gets up and has a drink every so often. Elsie rarely does mainly I am sure because she has more sense and moves away as soon as I start to heat up.
  14. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Water At Night?

    When harley was in her crate when she was younger I never left water in there overnight. When I went to work during the day I had a water bowl fixed to the crate with water in. She has slept with us upstairs since she was 4/5 months old and doesn't have water up there. She never comes down in the morning and goes straight to her bowl so I'm not worried about it. One night during the summer she was a bit 'panty' upstairs as it was very hot, so I put some water in a small bowl - she didn't want it - she just wanted the ceiling fan on ;)
    Unfortunately some people think they know everything and can be OTT and not helpful. At least on here everyone will give advice/suggestions, but will not be nasty about it :)
  15. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Water At Night?

    Facebook is really strange - best stay in the little insulated bubble of the forum. Nicest place on the Internet, I reckon.

    Charlie is a massive water drinker, and drinks at night, so we always leave water down. I reckon he does it deliberately because there are so many lampposts on his morning water he needs to "tank up" so he can answer all his pee-mail! ;D
  16. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Re: Water At Night?

    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=8703.msg123259#msg123259 date=1415744057]
    Charlie is a massive water drinker, and drinks at night, so we always leave water down. I reckon he does it deliberately because there are so many lampposts on his morning water he needs to "tank up" so he can answer all his pee-mail! ;D

    ;D ;D
  17. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Water At Night?

    I think we left water in with Lilly in her crate for 2 nights.
    That was enough for us to give up as she had stepped on the bowl and spilled it everywhere.
    Since then she never had it in her crate. Never got out gasping for water in the morning either :D

    Now she has free access to water 24/7 and sometimes when we evict her from out bed at lights out she will wander off for a long drink before settling for the night, but mostly we only see her drinking after a treat or chew or bone.
    We do still put water in her kibble though (I know we are odd with this)
  18. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Water At Night?

    Chepi has access to water all of the time. I don't see any reason to deprive her of it and it's never been a problem.

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