Does it get better ?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by badgerstuta, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. badgerstuta

    badgerstuta Registered Users

    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi - first post so be gentle.

    We have an 11 week old puppy called Millie who is in full on bite mode. Clothing being a particular favourite. Clamping on and not letting go. We've been looking toward to the day when we could take her for a walk to get rid of some of that excess energy.

    Today was the day and Millie has had 2 x 15 minute walks and is crazier than ever this evening. There's just no downtime whatsoever unless we crate her for a few minutes. I don't like doing this too often as I think she needs to have plenty of time with us.

    We've tried numerous things stuffed Kongs, chew toys etc... But nothing seems to be calming her down. We're also having to be really carefully with our 10 month old girl in the room who's just started walking. Millie obviously just wants to play but it can get a bit too rough and we have to time out. Toilet training has gone well and we've got basic commands like sit and leave it (to an extent) working it's just this constant biting, chewing and going mad that's driving us crazy

    Any advice ? Will things calm down ?
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Hello! Welcome to the forum.

    Yes, it gets better.

    Lots of new puppy owners will be along soon to tell you how it'll all be ok in the end. :) (I've blocked the biting stage out of my memory now, but it didn't last long :) ).

    Best of luck with it!
  3. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Hi and welcome to the forum :)
    Yes, it does calm down. The biting stage usually lasts til around 3-4 months. Consistent ignoring, turning away and saying no or yelping, or putting in timeout should help teach her quicker.
    Has Millie got a 'safe space' such as a pen or a room blocked by a stair gate that she can have some quiet time? I don't have young children, but when my godchildren come over I do put Harley in the kitchen after an hour with a kong or a chew/antler to give her a break from the 'excitement' of the squealing and running around from the kids. If I don't, she wil just go and go and go (she is 15 months). With my 5 year old nephew, she is excited for a while, but will settle after an hour or so by herself, but in the same room.
    Have you been able to do several short training sessions a day? Things such as sit, paw, wait, stay, find it, hide and seek eye. This should help use some energy.
    Good luck :) would love to see some photos ;)
  4. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Does it get better ?


    Yes, it passes. It feels like it will never end at the time, but it really does pass. The two things that worked best for us were:

    The 'yelp' when he hurt us, and then turning away and COMPLETELY ignoring him - including breaking eye contact (that was really important).

    Playing 'the towel game' - his favourite chew toy was an old bath-towel, and we could play bull-fights with him the (gently!) knock him over and wrap him up in the towel for a tussle - and whenever he opened him mouth he got some towel shoved in it! It was a great way of getting him clean after play outside and he loved it as a game... and I am sure it helped him learn the difference between bitey-towel and bitey-mummy...

    Try to stay calm and use this forum to let off steam when you need to (that is, when you are doing the 'oh my god what have I done my puppy is a monster' bit.... we've all been there). And have fun with your bundle of joy when you can get past the teeth!
  5. Holliesmum

    Holliesmum Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Hello and welcome

    All I can add is yes it gets better, hollie is 22 weeks and still sometimes forgets herself and bites but it really was a pain...literally!!! It felt like it went on forever. Now she mouths and that's fine.

    We found that when she was about to lose a tooth she would bite more so we gave her a frozen carrot, that did the trick and helped a few teeth out in the process

    Hang in there
  6. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Does it get better ?

    PS You are in the phase that has been christened the 'Crocodog' stage by this forum!
  7. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    It does get better I promise. Rolo is 17 weeks and although he does have a crafty nibble when he thinks your distracted tickling his tummy, on the whole it's near enough stopped. I know the 2 x 15 minute rule is so very important for the joints and preventing long term damage sometimes a bit of a kick around with a football outside or a ball retrieve (she says hopefully, Rolo doesn't do a retrieve just a chase and then a run back to me empty handed, or pawed!) can really help. Short periods though and also like Naya has said short training sessions really help to mentally fatigue puppy's. Have you tried a frozen kong or a plastic bottle? They can keep Rolo 'occupied' for ages.

    Hope this helps.

  8. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Does it get better ?

    It comes as such a shock when your Labrador puppy turns out to be a biting machine. I mean, they are famous for their good nature and how good they are with children.

    Unfortunately there is a rite of passage when they snatch at your clothing with their sharp little teeth and chomp on you. I would say that until 20 weeks my hands were a mass of scratches and bite marks. And then one glorious day it stopped.

    It is horrible while it lasts and it seems like it lasts forever. But it does stop between 4 and 5 months.

    I would trust Molly's mouth anywhere now.
  9. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Hi and welcome :)

    It will definitely pass, so hang in there :) We know how challenging the exuberance and biting can be. In time it'll just be a distant memory, we promise.
  10. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    YES! I was so exhausted in the beginning as Rue had so much energy and never stopped moving (or biting!). I wanted to cry some evenings. She'll be 6 months on December 9, and she is so much more calm and laid back now. Our evenings are much more pleasant. I posted just a few short weeks ago about how I was concerned cause I felt she should have more energy! But apparently it's normal.
  11. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Welcome to the Forum ,there are lot so of new puppy owners that can reassure you all is normal and of course us with idler dogs,mine is 2 can assure that this stage does pass.
    Best wishes
  12. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Hello, we have all been through it and it's normal behaviour. Try to keep cool and have some ways of distracting Millie. My pup used to be doing the mad running around in circles with her bum tucked under at this age. She also jumped to grab clothing and I had lots of bite marks on my arms! She is 7 months now and would rarely do this ( only if I play to excitedly and wind her up). I bought her a toy that made her work out where her treats were; got a kong wobbler and hand various chew toys but she still loves to shred a cardboard box.
    Yes it gets better but she'll need watching all the same.
    Try to love those quiet snugly times too :)
  13. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Welcome! I'll add to the choir of "Yes! It's normal and it passes.". Willow has just stopped, all of a sudden (15 weeks today). For her, the best way to deal with it was give a high-pitched yelp - not loud enough to scare her, though - and stop playing. For a second offence, I'd stand on with straight legs and ignore her for about 30 seconds, which she hated. I'd then carry on as if nothing had happened. I then added the word "gentle" if she started to get just a bit harder than I wanted an, combined with the yelp and ignore, she learnt very quickly (in two or three goes) that saying "gentle" meant she should take it easy to avoid the other consequences.

    As for being over-excited, I use a little "chill time" in the crate if she's over-tired, which is what causes most of the mental behaviour. It's never a punishment, I just pop her in with some calming words ("ok, let's settle down") and leave her there until she's quiet. It normally takes about thirty seconds, but on the occasions where she's been really tired, it has taken a few minutes. Once she's settled, I open the door and let her come out if she wants. Sometimes she does, sometimes she stays in there for a snooze. Again, I should say that this over-excitability has reduced dramatically in the last week or so.

    Good luck with your pup. Post some pictures of her so we can gush :)
  14. Incastinker

    Incastinker Registered Users

    Oct 17, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    We have Inca who is also 15 weeks. I would say she has been a lot better since she turned 13 weeks. We were lucky, she wasn't a hard biter before that but she had a fascination with jumpers and scarves and would clamp on. I would say the squeal worked best for her. She was never that bothered when we ignored her and just found something else to entertain herself with. Things will definitely improve so just hang on in there!
  15. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Welcome to you from Mags, Tatze and Gypsy ;D

    Yes - it slows down then disappears entirely - with my two it was around five months that the crocapups were replaced by dogs who could be stroked!!

  16. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Hi there and welcome. I cant really add anything other than to agree with all that has been said. It is perfectly normal behaviour and will pass. I 2 smallish children and really at this stage there was hardly any contact. It just was not worth it. Now age 9 months Meg and boys are super close and we have the doggy family unit we wished for. Hang in there, best wishes Emma and Meg :)
  17. badgerstuta

    badgerstuta Registered Users

    Nov 6, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Wow - thanks for all the replies and the warm welcome. It's great to know this is normal and will pass and there's this amazing support network.
  18. Leanangle

    Leanangle Registered Users

    Sep 3, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Hi I have a 18 week old lab boy. The biting noticably reduced at 17 weeks or so, he just "mouths" us now so no painfull puppy nips anymore.

    He still has a go at any "dangly" clothing items, eg dressing gown belts but that is getting better as well.

    Good luck, it wll improve, I promise.

  19. badgerstuta

    badgerstuta Registered Users

    Nov 6, 2014
    Re: Does it get better ?

    So tonight Millie has turned into devil dog. Lots of biting of arms so plenty of time out. Can only think her teeth are really hurting
  20. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Does it get better ?

    Try a frozen lamb or chicken bone?

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