Struggling today, any advice?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by WillowAndLottie, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. WillowAndLottie

    WillowAndLottie Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2014
    Having a rough day with our girls. They turn 6 months tomorrow and are just little terrors! Up to about 5 months they were fairly easy - always eating things they shouldn't but mostly well behaved, especially in the house. Lottie came 1st with 100% in her obedience class (Willow 2nd in a second class) and they learnt things like "leave it" "Wait" "enough" "stay" really easily. They came to the whistle (Willow not as well) and we proofed them at home with lots of visitors to stop jumping up and recall away from people. However now I'm having lots of issues, so anyones advice would be most welcome!

    1- WALKS. They have always been so playful, there being two of them, but now Lottie seems obsessed (particularly on walks) with attacking her sister. We do walk them separately when we can, but its very time consuming to do! We'd like to walk them together really. Lottie's recall was near perfect - away from dogs, people, food, children, at home or on walks. Willows was weaker, but perfect at home and away from people. I just cannot get her away from dogs, and if the other dog runs? No way hosay. Today on our walk they both chased after a spaniel and would not come back. In the end I just had to walk off and they eventually came back. So EMBARRASSING :-[

    2- STEALING. I know they are lab puppies and will steal. It doesn't help that my family insist on forgetting we have puppies!! Our old dog never ever stole anything and I don't think everyone has switched on to puppies, so toilet doors left open(loo rolls for andrex puppy), socks left around, phones, newspapers, wrappers, cardigans, even money left on the counter! (they've eaten £120 so far. We thankfully got £100 of it back -.- ) But it's things like oven gloves and tea towels that we don't want to have to put away that they steal. It's never food!!! When we catch them with something, I ask "Can I have it?" and they'll drop it, but I never catch them doing it. Is the answer never to leave them unattended unless crated?!

    3 - JUMPING UP. Willow does it relentlessly.

    Sorry for such a negative post, just struggling today with them. They are getting spayed tomorrow so will be out of action for 10 days, which makes everything 100x more difficult as I can't see a way of training them when they're not allowed off leads. They'll get so bored not being allowed play time, which only encourages naughtyness :(

    Any help much appreciated.

    A very worn down Jess
  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    Having two is twice the fun and four times the work!

    Do you have a friend one can stay with post spay?

    My Gypsy has just been spayed and I found it impossible to keep her calm, with having Tatze here. So Gypsy has gone on her holidays for two weeks.

    I would do as much as you possibly can separately so that they look to you, not each other. I take mine on separate walks, except for three a week. They LOVE the together walks all the more for them being rationed! I do a lot of training separately too. Gypsy (6 months) needs a lot more, so I have Tatze (19 months) sitting watching too - she gets a treat for good watching :). My two sleep in separate rooms, too, to help prevent over-dependence - if one has to go in to the vets you don't want problems with the other pining.

    For their sake you need to try to avoid littermate syndrome. When I had littermates (Cavaliers) I tried to do everything separately as pups. Once they were adults they were absolutely fine together all the time and had 15 happy years together. Fear not - these days WILL come! :)
  3. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    If they are both being spayed, please be careful that they cannot play together as stitches can be ripped out and I have seen a tragic outcome. Sorry to be a "Job's comforter" but better to be safe than sorry :(
  4. WillowAndLottie

    WillowAndLottie Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    Boogie - It certainly seems that way! We don't really, I'd find it hard to ask somebody to look after a recoopering lab :( my Grandpa may take them one day but I'm envisioning lots of splitting them up :( I think the separate walks is a must now, we've been too lazy with it. Ours sleep in separate cages with blankets covering them and recently spent the night at different houses - both were fine! We've done most of our training separately so they are used to being apart. I will make more of an effort - I just felt like my life was getting simpler with the pups and they've hit teenage hood!

    Stacia - yes they are both being done, we're going to have to be so careful. I will be investing in lots of kongs/chews and keeping a beadie eye on them over the next week or so ... only allowed out in garden on leads, separating in house a lot... I can just see this could be a nightmare!
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    Mine always go out separately to wee and it works fine, so maybe you won't need leads - just send one out at once? The reason for me having get them toileting separately is because Gypsy is a Guide Dog pup and has to have very particular training regarding wees and poos :)

    Baby gates are the best for separating pooches, I was worried about Gypsy putting her paws on top of the gate, but decided that if it hurt she wouldn't do it!

    I can't believe how quickly she was running around! When I was spayed I was on a morphine pump for three days the shuffling round for 3 weeks!

    Here's hoping all will be far easier than you fear xx
  6. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    You will be surprised at how lively they will be the next day!
  7. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    This is something I hadn't thought of, so thanks for bringing it up so I can start planning now - what to do when Willow is spayed. I could potentially have Shadow go stay with a friend during Willow's recovery. How long do you think would be necessary? I've heard ten days is a "normal" recovery time, but is that the length of time they'd be best separated?

    Jess - I feel your pain with the jumping up. Mine are incessant and I'm struggling to sort it out at the moment. They're fine during training sessions, but out of it, they jump up whenever they're excited, such as when there's food around. I always stop what I'm doing until they calm down, but it doesn't seem to be making an impact. Time for a re-think...
  8. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    sounds like you've got your hands full....I've no great words of wisdom.....just a boat load of caring thoughts coming your way.
    I think that it's always important to spend separate time with each of the animals in our lives...I've been making a point to let my older dog have some special mommy time lately too, just to help ease the strain of the baby in the house.

    We're working on the jumping thing too....I think it's an especially hard thing when they are little since it's so far DOWN to be on their level...but certainly a skill they need to master.
    I try and do some floor time play with Bella so that she doesn't have to jump to get to my level. Not sure if it helps or not...but the theory sounds good to me! ::)
  9. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=8967.msg127860#msg127860 date=1417533770]
    This is something I hadn't thought of, so thanks for bringing it up so I can start planning now - what to do when Willow is spayed. I could potentially have Shadow go stay with a friend during Willow's recovery. How long do you think would be necessary? I've heard ten days is a "normal" recovery time, but is that the length of time they'd be best separated?

    I was advised two weeks for Gypsy - so she's on her holidays now. Tatze is missing her (so am I!)

  10. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    Gypsy and Tatze have looked so close that it has worried me that when Gypsy had to move on to her guide dog training, it would be upsetting for them both to be parted :'( My two never share the same bed or cuddle up, wish they did.
  11. Rue7514

    Rue7514 Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    Mine is so bad about stealing. That's my biggest struggle with her right now. We had a baby staying at our house last night (for Thanksgiving), and she kept stealing his socks. She also gets into the trash cans and dirty clothes a lot. We have to keep a lot of the doors in the house shut most of the time. Little stinker.
  12. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    [quote author=Rue7514 link=topic=8967.msg127924#msg127924 date=1417551381]
    Mine is so bad about stealing. That's my biggest struggle with her right now. We had a baby staying at our house last night (for Thanksgiving), and she kept stealing his socks. She also gets into the trash cans and dirty clothes a lot. We have to keep a lot of the doors in the house shut most of the time. Little stinker.

    Hahah, my two LOVE underwear and socks, clean or dirty, and will steal it any any opportunity to take into their crate or, if the door is open, outside for the neighbours to see :-[
  13. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    I never think of it as 'stealing', they are retrievers, so are retrieving :)
  14. Incastinker

    Incastinker Registered Users

    Oct 17, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=8967.msg127860#msg127860 date=1417533770]

    Jess - I feel your pain with the jumping up. Mine are incessant and I'm struggling to sort it out at the moment. They're fine during training sessions, but out of it, they jump up whenever they're excited, such as when there's food around. I always stop what I'm doing until they calm down, but it doesn't seem to be making an impact. Time for a re-think...

    Inca also likes to think she is competing in a high jump event. Things have improved slightly and she now only does it when she greets us initially, once we have given her the cold shoulder it's almost as though she remembers that that is not what she is meant to be doing and calms down. I would love it if she could get to the stage where paws on the floor becomes the default but she's still very much an over-excited puppy at the moment.

    As for the stealing Inca can't resist a good sock, the more brightly coloured the better! I should probably start taking it more seriously but at the moment I just find it funny watching her zoom back to her crate with her treasure.
  15. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    Your girls are entering their 'teenage years'. They will forget everything that you have taught them and become super boisterous. Luckily it only last for a few months with dogs but it will be a very hard time. Like Stacia I am not trying to depress you, just warn you of the hard time ahead. It took me completely by surprise.

    On the upside....I couldn't believe how quickly Molly recovered from her spay. The "keep them quiet" advice is a challenge to say the least.
  16. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    I have leads by the door and put them on my two for when visitors arrive - to stop the jumping up.

    They are fine now but other people, even those who don't like dogs, encourage jumping up without realising it.

    So, doorbell rings = leads on :)
  17. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    [quote author=Mollly link=topic=8967.msg127975#msg127975 date=1417593431]
    Your girls are entering their 'teenage years'. They will forget everything that you have taught them and become super boisterous. Luckily it only last for a few months with dogs but it will be a very hard time. Like Stacia I am not trying to depress you, just warn you of the hard time ahead. It took me completely by surprise.

    I find it quite the opposite. OK, my two haven't reached their teens yet, but with all the other hard times - sleepless nights, biting, toilet training mistakes etc - it's very reassuring to know that the behaviours are all completely normal and will pass with time, patience and (hopefully) good humour! Without knowing that, it would be very scary and depressing to think you have this for the rest of your dog's life.
  18. astyers

    astyers Registered Users

    Jul 17, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    I am going through the same thing, so don't feel alone! My Lab Gabby is now 7 months old and is a terror sometimes. She tries to play very rough with my older cocker spaniel (which drives her crazy!), constantly takes things she shouldn't and is extremely boisterous even after an hour long walk. I did put up my Christmas tree so I'm hoping that is not demolished by the end of the month! I guess all we can do is hang in there. I will say that Gabby is very sweet and affectionate so that helps me get over being mad at her very quickly!! So I guess we just have to hang in there during the "teenage years" and it will all pass.
  19. WillowAndLottie

    WillowAndLottie Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2014
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    Sorry I took so long to reply everyone!

    [quote author=Boogie link=topic=8967.msg127853#msg127853 date=1417532130]
    Mine always go out separately to wee and it works fine, so maybe you won't need leads - just send one out at once?

    That's what we ended up doing... it worked well enough!

    [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=8967.msg127860#msg127860 date=1417533770]
    This is something I hadn't thought of, so thanks for bringing it up so I can start planning now - what to do when Willow is spayed. I could potentially have Shadow go stay with a friend during Willow's recovery. How long do you think would be necessary? I've heard ten days is a "normal" recovery time, but is that the length of time they'd be best separated?

    Jess - I feel your pain with the jumping up. Mine are incessant and I'm struggling to sort it out at the moment. They're fine during training sessions, but out of it, they jump up whenever they're excited, such as when there's food around. I always stop what I'm doing until they calm down, but it doesn't seem to be making an impact. Time for a re-think...

    Good idea to plan ahead. I guess it depends on how much they play - our vet told us that the 10 days is a precaution, after 6 days their incisions looked really healed so we relaxed a bit. I can't work out the jumping up at all... Let me know if you find a solution!!

    [quote author=Stacia link=topic=8967.msg127940#msg127940 date=1417555245]
    I never think of it as 'stealing', they are retrievers, so are retrieving :)

    Apart from mine don't usually bring it to me ;)

    [quote author=Mollly link=topic=8967.msg127975#msg127975 date=1417593431]
    Your girls are entering their 'teenage years'. They will forget everything that you have taught them and become super boisterous. Luckily it only last for a few months with dogs but it will be a very hard time. Like Stacia I am not trying to depress you, just warn you of the hard time ahead. It took me completely by surprise.

    On the upside....I couldn't believe how quickly Molly recovered from her spay. The "keep them quiet" advice is a challenge to say the least.


    They have literally "forgotten" everything! How long does it last?!

    [quote author=astyers link=topic=8967.msg128125#msg128125 date=1417637849]
    I am going through the same thing, so don't feel alone! My Lab Gabby is now 7 months old and is a terror sometimes. She tries to play very rough with my older cocker spaniel (which drives her crazy!), constantly takes things she shouldn't and is extremely boisterous even after an hour long walk. I did put up my Christmas tree so I'm hoping that is not demolished by the end of the month! I guess all we can do is hang in there. I will say that Gabby is very sweet and affectionate so that helps me get over being mad at her very quickly!! So I guess we just have to hang in there during the "teenage years" and it will all pass.

    It's awful - has the tree survived?!

    I really want it to pass - they are really making our lives a struggle. They just won't come back, and are very naughty :( At home they're much better, but they've started to just ignore me :(
  20. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Struggling today, any advice?

    I hate to depress anyone, but my Lab who will be three in January, is just going through his adolescence :'( He has been such a good boy until now and has a wild look in his eye when we are out retrieving. I first of all blamed it on the food, changed that to lower protein but haven't noticed a difference yet! Or maybe he is having a mid-life crisis ;D

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