I have a dream that one day I shall say to the dogs let's go for a walk. I shall pick up a couple of slip leads and poop bags oh and take my camera. I will then open the door, having the dogs wait patiently without being asked. We shall enter the footpath with both dogs of lead and sniffing the ground but always aware of me. I shall continue the walk and upon meeting other people /dogs, my two shall stay by me and greet politely when told to do so. After a short training session,I shall take photos of the dogs at play, of the beautiful view and landscape. We shall then return home for coffee/wine/beer. Now the reality. Remember I live on the west coast of Scotland. It's wet. Wet means rain and mud lots and lots of mud. I slink into the hall and put on fleece and waterproof jacket. Hat and earmuffs ( must tie hair back as usually windy). On goes waist belt ,whistle slipped over head as well as crossover shoulder bag. Pick up leads. Into kitchen remove treat bag from fridge ,pop phone into bag. Find wellies put on wool socks all the time fighting off a 7 month pup. I forgot harnesses put on both dogs attach leads and head for door. Wait at door for both dogs to sit then wait for dogs to sit at gates before opening.( I have to teach them manners somehow.) Off we go. Well if it was canicross (not sure of spelling) I would have a head start. Fortunately due to walking belt I now have extra pair of hands to stop dogs. Now at this point we're only at other side of the gate and I am knackered. It has taken me 15 minutes at least to get this far. Now all walks must be planned in advance. At the moment it's a lot of pavement walking as young cows are in fields with public footpath. Either that or I have to think about where to drive to walk them. We have had our walk, I will be glad to get home as my hands are now really sore with trying to stop one or other dog greeting all other dogs usually all off lead and with no recall, so I get tangled up in leads because off lead dog is pestering my two. I have had lots of "witty" comments about the walking belt. Then again I could just do what they do forget the lead and let the dogs do what they want. Quick rant over. Now for home . I have a box in garden I keep drying towels in for dogs, if really bad it's a hose that's taken to them. Then dried. Open door get harnesses and leads of them. My turn strip off jackets bags belt and trousers. Clean kitchen floor ,wipe walls where dogs have walked, shaken etc. Sit down , can't be bothered putting kettle on I need a lie down after that and a couple of painkillers. Bottle of beer oh maybe another bottle of beer. I have a dream that one day I shall have the first part. I can but dream.
Re: I have a dream It's good to dream ;D On a positive note.....apart from the camera bit that's my walk, with Riley at any rate (Obi spaniel is just a whole heap of trouble ) the upshot of that is - YOUR DREAM WILL COME TRUE (I was going to sprinkle fairy dust but I can't quite find it) Oh and a wet cloth at the end followed by a quick towel rub and kitchen drying time if it's really yucky out there but no-ones getting round that unless they teach their dogs to levitate...........now THAT would be impressive ;D ;D ;D
Re: I have a dream Oh you make me laugh so much reading this,the picture of you collapsed on the couch needing painkillers ...hilairious and so true,we aren't much different here except there's no mud and even after a nice calmish weekend walk I have a shandy when I get in ;D ;D
Re: I have a dream I really don't mind the dirt on the dogs, it's actually fun to dry them as all the dogs I have had got such pleasure from it. Fairy dust , thank you for looking for it. It would be wonderful if it was found. What fun could be had with fairy dust. Cupar has decided that mud baths are the order of the day at the moment. His nose gets stuck in as well. So I am avoiding one of my favorite walks as at the moment there is a hundred yards of mud bath that none of us can avoid.