Re: Apocalyptic! Thanks...we do love it....I'll have to dig up another picture of us in the is the quintessential log cabin in the woods 8) Still no snow for us...but I'm NOT complaining...all in due time - January and February tend to be when we get hit the most. :
Re: Apocalyptic! That's beautiful ! If challenging wet mud here today which is very dull and my garden is feeling the pain of a puppy making frequent trips outside for the toilet. We'll be lucky to have grass come the spring : good job he's cute!
Re: Apocalyptic! Ugh, we had a bit of rain yesterday evening which then froze overnight. I walked out of the door with Willow and skated straight across the path. Luckily she wasn't pulling, or I'd have ended up on my face! I tried walking up the hill, but it was just too dangerous. Even Willow fell over a couple of times, as did her mate Alfie who came bounding up to her - splat! So, we aborted and went back into the garage. No way we can even get the car out at the moment to take them elsewhere. We're supposed to be taking the ferrets to the vet this morning to have their yearly jabs but we can't get down the road. Ho hum. The sun will be on it soon and it'll melt immediately then. Fingers crossed it's in time. Winter tyres go on later today, so life will be easier then! On the plus side, it gave me the opportunity to do some retrieves in the garage with Shadow. His first time and he's a complete natural! He comes bounding back and drops the ball at my feet to throw again. Willow needed teaching to bring the ball back, because she wanted to run off and play with it. Just need to work on delivery to hand next