Separation anxiety??

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by AnneO, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. AnneO

    AnneO Registered Users

    Aug 15, 2014
    Our pup Sybil is now 7 months old. When we first got her at 2 months, we tried the whole crate training thing and it didn't work. I read every article and book I could find but the problem is that when we put her in the crate, she gets anxious, poops and pees, and then cries like crazy. (Forget the whole "dogs won't poop in their den" concept.) We stopped putting her in during the day in order to stop the bad habit. At night, she is crated but we finally figured out that she is only fine if the crate is in our bedroom. During the day, if we have to leave the house, we put up baby gates. But now she is getting big enough and strong enough to knock them down or pull things off the counters. She is a curious pup and for her own safety, we NEED to find a way to secure her while we are gone.

    Recently we started re-introducing the crate slowly. I put her in with a kong, walk out of the room, and then let her out after 20 minutes. She still poops and pees and whines. I don't know what to do anymore.

    I'm almost positive she does this because she is anxious and afraid. She poops whenever she gets nervous, like after getting out of the car (her legs are shaking so bad) or after a trip to the vet.

    I've read about separation anxiety and is this it? Or do we just need to keep going really slow with the crate re-introduction?? She is a wonderful dog otherwise and everybody comments on how well-behaved she is. I just don't know how to help her!
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Separation anxiety??

    Harley never took to the crate either, no matter what we tried. To start with she stayed in the kitchen when we went to work - I ensured everything was cleared off the work tops and closed the kitchen door and put her bed and a few toys in there. At about 10 months old we let her stay in the living room - by now we didn't have to clear anything away unless it was food. Again, we shut the door. We leave the TV on low and I have a webcam to watch her when I'm at work. I always leave her with a kong or a chew.
    Could you close doors rather than use baby gates?
  3. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Separation anxiety??

    When you leave her at the moment with the baby gates how does she behave ? Any pooping, peeing, crying etc ?

    If not then I doubt it's seperation anxiety as she doesn't mind being left alone at the moment. It must be an issue with the crate.

    You could persevere with the crate as you've said taking it very slowly. How does she behave in the crate if you stay in the room ? You can get indoor pens. My sister has one for her cocker spaniel. I don't know how sturdy they are or if they'd stand up to a lab but it might be worth looking at. That way your confining her to a certain place but hopefully she won't feel shut in. Also it would be more space than a crate.
  4. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Separation anxiety??

    Hi Anne, sounds like she's really anxious poor thing, I've had similar difficulties with Bella, she wouldn't go in her crate without doing exactly the same thing, poo and cry etc. so I ended up keeping her in my bedroom for the first 2 weeks at night and with my top in there she slept well. After 2 weeks she moved into the kitchen and I slept very close by on the sofa for 3 nights, no major issues some whining but that subsided and no accidents. Then I moved back to my room with her now in the kitchen and fingers crossed she's been fine, I have to leave a top smelling of mine in there every night but she will eventually settle and sleep for 7 hrs, so maybe keep building it up slowly? I'm having similar issues during the day though- she barks and whines and poos even if I'm in the shower, loo, nip out etc. she also poos. I've been trying the 'click for quiet' which seems to work for up to 5-10 mins ( not in her crate tho she hated it ) so she's in the kitchen with a baby gate, I feel your pain it's so stressful hearing them get so worked up, but perhaps try the click for quiet technique and see how you go?? :) I daren't go out now :-\
  5. AnneO

    AnneO Registered Users

    Aug 15, 2014
    Re: Separation anxiety??

    Because of the way our house is set up, there are no doors to the kitchen, eat-in dining room, and living room. Only the bedrooms. Maybe we will just have to come up with a more secure way to latch the baby gates. :-\ We have an indoor pen and use it mainly to block off parts of the house. But again, she is smart enough to push it open if it's not latched to itself.

    She's fine when I first put her in the crate. She's fine when I sit in the room. And she seems to be fine when we leave the house and she is allowed to roam the kitchen or living room. (Minus the general destruction of anything that looks fun to chew or destroy.) And she's fine at night. The other reason I thought it might be something with separation is because she is very attached to me and my husband says she will whine if I leave and she can't come with me.

    But perhaps she really just doesn't like being confined in the crate. She does respond well to clicker training so perhaps I can try the click for quiet technique.

    Thanks so much for all your responses! This is the 2nd time I've posted here and I've had just wonderful advice and support!
  6. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: Separation anxiety??

    Izzy hates been on her own, she follows me everywhere, even if shes asleep, she knows if i get up and leave the room. If i put her in her crate she howls. When im out ive no idea what she does. Shes stopped pooing though, although thats maybe about timing. I often shower with a little pup stood up at the bath!
    Ill just persevere with the crate as i need to keep her safe, as we have an older dog.
    Good luck x
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Separation anxiety??

    Have you thought about a pen system?

    I use the panels from pens (margo the dog) as baby gates - they are attached to screws in the wall, so I can remove them.

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