Separation practice this morning - a few questions

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by andreasjuuls, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. andreasjuuls

    andreasjuuls Registered Users

    Dec 3, 2014
    We did some separation training Louis and I

    He has a room that is puppy proofed. His bed is there and so was water toys and kongs with food. It's a bit too warm the room need to solve that. I was on my bike in adjacent room but he cannot see me from the main section of his room he has to go around a corner. I kept door to bike room open but blocked I
    It off. This way he could see me if he wanted to and hear me but not enter

    This is how it went:

    I stayed in his room until he fell a sleep. Then I went to the bike room.first 20 min he slept then he woke up. He cried and tried to get into bike room for maybe 90-120 seconds then settled down. I let him be alone for another 3-4 mins then got into his room without making any fuzz. A kong was empty so decided to fill with premium treats. Came back to his room and gave he kong to him and went to bike again. Was busy with kong for a few minutes then crying again. Stopped and settled after 90-120 seconds. I spent another5 mins then rinse and repeat. Crying a bit shorter this last time. Biked 3 mins and called it a day. Didn't want to overdo it. I Didn't make any fuzz when I came back last time only After a few minutes I gave him a pad on his head

    I think it went fairly well. He was alone total of 33 mins although sleeping 20 of those so doesn't really count

    It's clear he doesn't like his room a lot so will try to make it more attractive

    A few questions
    1. Should I make a fuzz about him and give treats when I return to the room AND he has been quiet for a while?
    2. Should I let him stay alone longer before going back to his room or is building up from a few minutes to start w fine?
    3. What's minimum time from he stops crying until I go back in room ie what's the minimum time he needs to be quiet to associate me coming back w being quiet vs me coming back cause he is crying?

    Any other tips and tricks?

    Separating myself from him is tough heheh. He is soooo cute


  2. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Separation practice this morning - a few questions

    He is so cute your right.

    I'm not the best person to give advice on this as my dogs are put outside in a pen (with kennel) from day one at various times of the day and all night so I've never had to work on seperation training.

    However it sounds like you are doing the right things. Build up the time gradually like you are doing but rather than increasing the total time increase the gaps your away if that makes sense. Tomorrow you could do 30 mins again but five lots of six minutes instead of six lots of five.

    The main thing is not to go to him when he's crying or barking. I don't think it would do any harm to make a fuss of him but I'd probably leave it until the end then you don't keep getting him excited every time you go back which could mean he takes longer to settle.

    Keep doing what your doing I say and just think whilst training your dog to be alone your getting fit.

    Once he's got used to being alone with you near and able to hear you, you could then, if possible, do the same but go where he can't hear you. You could even include that now every so often. Also try leaving him awake. He might not always be asleep when you have to leave him.

    Good luck. :)

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