Gunky Eye

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by 46heritageway, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. 46heritageway

    46heritageway Registered Users

    May 7, 2014
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm after some advice, the history is we went to the vets on 23rd December, because he had had a swollen eye over the weekend and slightly gunky, we used the cold teabags which helped a lot but then with the xmas period, we thought it was best for a vet to check him over, turned out he had a scratch on it (which we think he got from play fighting with my OH) and they gave us some drops to help soothe it and go back in a week to just check it.

    So a week later we went back (New Years Eve) and his other eye had started to be a bit gunky, we mentioned this and the vet checked him and he said he had conjunctivitis in both eyes so to have some more drops to help with that for a week and if his eye was still gunky to take him back. We finished these drops on 6th Jan, and he has been fine.

    But the last couple of days one of his eyes has been a bit gunky again, I have been wiping it a lot more today than yesterday and today I started wiping it with cold teabags again, I went round to a friends for a gossip as us women do, but was only gone 2 hours maximum and I wiped his eye before I left and when I came back it was gunky, the gunk is light a creamy/green colour but I could see where it was coming from (see picture - this is not the best photo but he was trying to get the chicken off me) Do you think I should take him to the vets or just carry on with teabags or wash with some saline wash?

    My OH is currently aboard working until the end of the month so I don't really want to have him back on drops because he hates them being done, and I mean hate it, he started really good but then towards the end of week 2 he hated it MASSIVELY!!

    [​IMG]Ozzie's Eye by katiewalker913, on Flickr
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Gunky Eye

    Poor boy :(
    I can't offer any advice, sorry, Harley has only ever had conjunctivitis once and it cleared up quickly. Might be worth giving the vet a call and just having a chat with them?
    Hope it clears up soon
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Gunky Eye

    What a shame, the majority of human conjunctivitis is caused by viruses so bathing and lubricating drops is usually enough.
    But I do know most vets will prescribe antibiotic drops.
    I'm generally a bit ambivalent about them, but to be honest, because the white bit of the eye looks quite red, I think you might just need to bite the bullet and use them again :(
  4. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Gunky Eye

    Hmmm....Charlie had something that looked similar as a pup. I went to the vet (and I suggest you should go back), and was prescribed antibiotic eye drops. They did no good, and in discussion with my vet didn't repeat them, but kept his eyes clean with soft wipes and plain water. He grew out of it. I think his skin around his eyes was a bit loose, and this improved a bit with age.

    I'd ask your vet about the tea bags too - I generally think the less stuff near irritated eyes the better.
  5. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Gunky Eye

    I would use the drops for conjunctivitus again ( if you have some left), as it's the weekend. Give the vet a call on Monday, my vets have spoken to me several times on the phone. My vet advised to wash my pup's eyes with cool boiled water when they have had a slight gunck. But to use antibiotic stuff for conjunctivitus.
  6. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Gunky Eye

    We've had conjunctivitis twice ....both cleared up drops with drops from the vet but the first episode took a bit more fighting off and required drops with steroids in....I'm not sure how old your boy is now? Dex was about 6 months when he had the first bout ,the gunk went quickly but his eyes remained red and sore looking .The vet said a factor in this could have been something to with loose skin around the third eyelid ( I'm giving you this in very lay mans terms) it is very common in young dogs before they have had a chance to grow into their faces ....we live in quite a dusty environment ( the desert ;D) so once the medicated drops where finished and the gunk gone she suggested on breezy days or if I thought he'd been exposed to a lot of sand To just kept his eyes lubricated with a product called 'tears au naturelle) until he grew a bit more....I still always have a little vial in now and drop some in,I'm sure it helped .i would definately,back while you are still seeing discharge x
  7. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Gunky Eye

    This could be completely unrelated but when my mums dog had repeated gunky eyes , turns out it was the plug in air freshner and once stopped and eyes treated it with drops it didn't re occur..... This happened several times ll.llso they worked out it was the plug in. Poor doggy hope his eyes clear up soon!!!
  8. 46heritageway

    46heritageway Registered Users

    May 7, 2014
    Re: Gunky Eye

    Thanks everyone! Think I'll have to give the vet a call on Monday.

    I do have some drops left maybe enough for today, do you think it's best to use them today or leave it so the vet can see it untreated? Well I am bathing with boiled Water after its cooled and have been using cold teabags yesterday.

    Thanks again :)
  9. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Gunky Eye

    If you have finished the treatment for the duration as prescribed by the vet, I'd wait until you can get to see the vet again before starting up with any treatment.

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