Thanks all Unfortunately we have long wait before the 'intermediate' search dog course. They only run them when it's dark in the evenings, as inevitably most real call-outs are in the middle of a rainy night in mid winter! And only if we pass that can we start the proper national qualifications. I don't know how achievable that will be but it's worth pursuing as long as we can I think. In the meanwhile, a happy summer of gundoggery I think
That's great news, well done Kath and Merla, and happy birthday too! Keep up the great work, beautiful girl.
......*pokes head nervously round the door*......... Er, hello again everyone - sorry I've been away so long. It's been a bit of a tricky few months. Not with Merla, just stuff generally, like work and things getting me down a bit. But things are looking up more now and we had such fun on a walk this morning I really wanted to share this with you:
Hello! We've missed you! It's lovely to see you back. Since you came back with such a lovely video of a great retrieve, your absence is forgiven.
Thanks Yes, took stock somewhat over Christmas and realised that there's no point earning more money if I never have any time or brain-space to do anything fun. So I'm arranging to work part time from next September and now I've got that to look forward to the world seems brighter! Merla is, of course, a constant bright light of cheerfulness and enthusiasm I've struggling to pass the intermediate SAR assessment, but that's partly due to my fried brain - certainly no fault of my wonderful dog, who puts 100% attention and effort into it! SAR training is our main dog activity at the moment - Gundog stuff is currently for fun on walks, but as you can see, she's not lost any enthusiasm for that either!