At my wits end

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Leeanne78, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. Leeanne78

    Leeanne78 Registered Users

    Dec 10, 2014
    Hello everyone. I have a gorgeous 4 month old chocolate lab x cocker. He's absolutely adorable ..... But I'm having a few problems. Housetraining is a nightmare.. I can tell when he needs a number 2 as he circles so I quickly take him out, but number 1's - he just goes whenever he feels like it. He doesn't have the run of the house and he's crated by night. Have anyone got any tips? Will it ever get better? I try not to tell him off. And I give him treats for going to the toilet outside. Also he terrorises my older dog and cat, the cat gives as good as he gets but the older dog is a gentle soul and just doesn't want a big boisterous puppy hanging off his ears lol. If anyone could help Id be so grateful x
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: At my wits end

    Hi there and welcome. I feel your pain - my puppy was absolutely HORRIBLE to my poor old Labrador, so bad that at times I wished I had never got her. But by the time she was about five months old, she calmed down and they became great friends.

    I had a labrador / spaniel (Brittany spaniel) cross as well; he was a wonderful dog - eager, attentive, clever, loyal and brave. Hang in there, things will get much better over the next few weeks. With regard to the toilet training, you'll just have to keep taking him out every 20-30 minutes and praise him hugely when he does his stuff outside, I'm afraid. But don't worry, it will get better, definitely!!!!

    What is your puppy's name? Photos??? :D
  3. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: At my wits end

    [quote author=Leeanne78 link=topic=9573.msg138182#msg138182 date=1421745483]
    Hello everyone. I have a gorgeous 4 month old chocolate lab x cocker. He's absolutely adorable ..... But I'm having a few problems. Housetraining is a nightmare.. I can tell when he needs a number 2 as he circles so I quickly take him out, but number 1's - he just goes whenever he feels like it. He doesn't have the run of the house and he's crated by night. Have anyone got any tips? Will it ever get better? I try not to tell him off. And I give him treats for going to the toilet outside. Also he terrorises my older dog and cat, the cat gives as good as he gets but the older dog is a gentle soul and just doesn't want a big boisterous puppy hanging off his ears lol. If anyone could help Id be so grateful x

    Housetraining is hard work to start off with, but it does get better, honest! Mine are now 5 months old and I've not had an accident in ages. If he's not learnt yet, it's up to you to take him outside regularly (every 30 minutes or so) until he gets the idea. On top of that, always put him out after a sleep, after a meal, after a drink, after playtime, after a walk. Keep an eye on him and praise him when he does go. JulieT advises giving exactly three treats every time he goes outside - one after the other, so he knows it's three. Don't ask me why it's three, not two or four, we're not allowed to know until the few people doing this have reported back on its success :D

    Don't tell him off for going inside, just clean it up thoroughly with a cleaner like Simple Solution. Don't use normal floor cleaner because it will actually encourage him to go there again because of the chemicals in it.

    Also, puppies prefer to go on soft floor coverings, such as rugs, carpets etc, so if possible, remove or cover these until he's house trained. They're harder to clean thoroughly, too.

    It's all about consistency and it's a bit dull at first, but he'll suddenly click and you'll realise you haven't picked up the Simple Solution in weeks!

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.

    PS welcome to the forum - let us know your puppy's name and show us a picture!
  4. Leeanne78

    Leeanne78 Registered Users

    Dec 10, 2014
    Re: At my wits end

    Thank you for all replies :) he's called cooper, I was going to post a photo of the hooligan up but I couldn't work out how to do it as I'm on my phone :/
  5. MrsB

    MrsB Registered Users

    Oct 10, 2014
    Re: At my wits end

    It does get better!

    Only 2.5 months ago I was in tears on a regular basis because I thought Ruby was never going to "get it".
    The first weekend in November (9.5 weeks) she had about 10 accidents indoors (due to an injection she had). Since then she hasn't had one!
    It just stopped, completely.
    Ruby is now (almost) 5 months and we are going outside every 2-3 hours. At home she always tells us when she needs to go out.
    I still give her a treat for going outside. Although this is becoming less frequent at home, if we are away at friends/families houses she gets a lot of praise still.

    You'll get there - it just feels like it will never end!
  6. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: At my wits end

    As Fiona says it is imperative that you clean up any accidents with a dedicated enzyme cleaner like "Simple Souoution".

    This gets rid of the accident. Ordinary cleaners don't work. You may scrub and scrub, but there will always be that lingering smell (and you won't be able to detect it) that shouts at your pup "THIS IS THE PLACE TO PEE".
  7. Leeanne78

    Leeanne78 Registered Users

    Dec 10, 2014
    Re: At my wits end

    I clean up any accidents with spray I got from the vets as Id read that bleach or whatever only attracts them to the same place over and over again.
    So it's just a case of perseverence and hard work? Dam- was hoping there was a easier way lol.
    And if I can figure out how to post a photo I will :)
  8. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: At my wits end

    Hi and welcome to the forum. We have a springador, lab x springer and shes 13 weeks. She is still not 100% with toilet training, i take her out hourly, or when she wakes up. She still has accidents, but mainly when i take my eye off the ball! She is gradually getting better.
    We also have an old lab, and it wasnt good at first, but thats gradually getting better. They sit on the floor and play now, and enjoy walks up the lane together. I make sure my old boy has somewhere quiet to go when hes tired.
    Things do get better, and theres lots of lovely people on here that give you support.
    Let us know how things are going.
    Do you have instagram? I put my pics on there and put the link on here x
  9. Leeanne78

    Leeanne78 Registered Users

    Dec 10, 2014
    Re: At my wits end

    Yes I do have Instagram leeanney78 the link wouldn't work for some reason. Oh I'm glad im not the only one- there have been many moments where I have sat and cried :/
  10. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: At my wits end

    Ive followed you on instagram, your boy is lovely, same colour as my Izzy. We have all had tears over our pups, i certainly did when i wasnt getting much sleep, but now i can see improvements and im so much happier. Every dog is different and some take longer than others. Just keep on what your doing and enjoy all the good times x
  11. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: At my wits end

    My boy is also a Cooper! Hang in there....IT DOES GET BETTER!
    I was on the verge of "donating" him to the first person that passed by at times....! Had a couple of meltdowns, too! Was ready to give him back to the breeder....used to tell myself "what have I done"???? But, DO hang in will change suddenly and you will forget all that has gone before and you will marvel at how wonderfully your puppy is doing! One day you have accidents and the next it is all over....just like that.....I also went through a horrible biting stage for weeks and weeks. Thought that would never end, but it did. Good luck.
  12. Zacbrownpup

    Zacbrownpup Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2014
    Re: At my wits end


    I have a 4month old choc myself named Zac. Housebreaking was the ONLY thing that seemed to come quickly for us. And it could have been pure dumb luck. But we used bells on the door that we always take him out. We would ring the bells and then take him out (a LOT). Now, he goes to the door and either whines, sits and looks at us or rings the bells if it's urgent - to go out. No accidents in about a month. Maybe try the bells to give him something to focus on as a cue? And like others said - take him out a lot. We still take him out every time he gets out of the crate and after a good play session.

    And you are not the only one who has shed some tears! I just posted my own thread about Zac's current challenges.
    You are not alone. I just keep coming back and having faith in the other posters' claims that it gets better. ( :
  13. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: At my wits end

    So it's just a case of perseverence and hard work?

    Leanne, if you can find anything in dog training that isn't perseverance and hard work let us all know, you'll be our hero.
  14. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: At my wits end

    [quote author=Leeanne78 link=topic=9573.msg138221#msg138221 date=1421753289]
    Oh I'm glad im not the only one- there have been many moments where I have sat and cried :/

    You're definitely not the only one :) This is the hardest part though - it will get easier and easier and one day you will find that you can't bear the thought of life without your dog :)
  15. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: At my wits end


    Bella is 14 weeks on Friday and still has accidents indoors sometimes, even if she's not long been out which baffles me!! She will never poo on the carpet , usually takes herself into the kitchen to do that ( laminate floor, so thoughtful ;)but I have almost cracked that, except if she goes in the afternoon in between puppy sitter and my return. Wees are a different kettle of fish agreed, she has done a few on the carpet but more and more outside, I too am hoping she cracks it soon and taking her out every hour will extend trips to the loo. We will get there! ;D

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