So cute! Shame about the owner.

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Rolokris, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    We met 2, 3 month old golden retriever pups today so cute. Now Rolo is still a baby himself just coming up to 6 months and he thought they were so much fun. They were both off lead and Rolo launched himself at them and the owner found the owners treat bag and tried to help himself. I was lagging behind, as usual, so when I caught up to them I said "hello what cuties you have there how old are they? " 3 months was the response. I gave them a fuss and tried to calm Rolo down I could see the man was not happy with Rolo trying to play with the pups so I said goodbye and walked off, Rolo was a really good boy and followed me until the stupid man shouted come so Rolo thinking he meant him ran back up to them and tried to play I was a bit ahead but could make out what the man was saying to Rolo. No that's enough now, go away. I called Rolo and he came straight away and then the stupid bloke did it again shouted come so off Rolo went again I was closer to him this time and my recall worked fantastically. I could see the man shaking his head as if to say she can't control that dog (obviously I don't really know what he was thinking, but that is what I think he was thinking lol) for the record MAN i can control my dog and if you are going to react like that every time another dog comes to say hello to your pups they are not going to be very socialised, so there! :p

    Thanks for letting me rant. Some people do really annoy me tho.

  2. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: So cute! Shame about the owner.

    dumb owner.... ::)

    We don't really have any "off lead" walking areas around me where I'm likely to come across other dogs and their owners, so all our pup to pup interactions happen on lead. But yeah...stupid owners are a pain no matter what.

    sounds like you did exactly the right thing, and good job Rolo for recalling against pups and treat bags! ;D ;D ;D
  3. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    Re: So cute! Shame about the owner.

    Yeah we have had some real victories recently. He won't approach another dog unless I don't tell him he can't. He used to hate me getting the towel out and would run away now he sits there and lifts each paw for me to wipe him. He is walking better on the lead for some reason if I say Rolo when he pulls he looks up at me and slows down and the immediately starts pulling again "Rolo" slow down look at me and then pull again.

    On the down side he is still growling when you go near him in his crate and the other night he had a chew and was sat about 50 yards from my hubbys feet he just started growling and snarling and it was because my hubby was crosssing and uncrossing his legs! I say this is still happening like I should expect a miracle to happen over night. I have contacted my trainer but I'm looking for another one for this issue to be honest.
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: So cute! Shame about the owner.

    I'd say the guy with the puppies has some training challenges ahead :)

    Good boy, Rolo, for your great recalls!
  5. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: So cute! Shame about the owner.

    Stupid man.
    You never can tell how people will be. I have met lots of nice people on my walks but I have encountered some people pack behaviour too; those who regularly walk together and have formed a gang to which I am not permitted.
  6. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: So cute! Shame about the owner.

    Ugh, people can be so unpleasant, and unthinking.
  7. Incastinker

    Incastinker Registered Users

    Oct 17, 2014
    Re: So cute! Shame about the owner.

    As far as I view it if other people's dogs are off lead and a similar size to Inca I'm quite happy for her to go up to them for a play. I always make her do a short bit of heel work before I let her run off to them as depending on the dog I don't always want her to go and play. Sounded like you were doing exactly the right thing. I did have a bad experience recently where Inca was chased in the park by two out of control Alsations and that made me a bit more aware of the dangers. However it's easy to see if a dog is happy or not with the situation and the two puppies will have been fine to play with a 6 month old.
  8. PaigeEmily

    PaigeEmily Registered Users

    Sep 28, 2014
    Re: So cute! Shame about the owner.

    I get a lot of problems with off lead walkers :( my pup (along with all other labrador pups!) is so friendly and bouncy that she wants to jump on other dogs so I get her straight on the lead when other dogs come by because she's not met many that will play with her (except a family German Shepherd that she's in a 'pack' sort of relationship with) so I get so annoyed when the other owner doesn't and clearly has no control over their dog when mine actually listens to me. She's been attacked by so many small dogs because their owners have no recall at all with them. Recently we had a pack of 5 Scottie dogs corner her while I just had her by the collar so I had to keep them away with my leg because the owner was nowhere to even be seen for a few minutes. They made it seem like it was my fault that their dogs came after mine because my dog is 'boundy' and they don't like that. ARGH! I've also had a man feed my dog biscuits without my permission and then complained that she jumped on him! I understand exactly how you feel with other owners! They can really annoy the heck out you!
  9. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    Re: So cute! Shame about the owner.

    PaigeEmily, wow you have had some bad experiences with other dogs. I was once told in the very early days of having Rolo not to put his lead on everytime another dog approaches as he could feel negative around other dogs. I totally understand why you do it and not everyone takes such an interest in raising well behaved, well mannered pups as we do. At puppy training there is a tiny terrier who from day one Rolo played with bearing in mind that when he first started, around 10 weeks old, they were similar in size. Now tho Rolo is twice the size so I can't (or don't) let Rolo off as he just gets too excited. 18.46.15.jpg?dl=0

    When Rolo was small enough to be off lead together. Bean hasn't gotten any bigger bless her.

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