Re: Hello from Lora and Alfie~ Welcome Lora and Alfie! The sofa is a bygone conclusion...your efforts are futile! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Re: Hello from Lora and Alfie~ Haha! Most likely! We're just trying to hold out until he's big enough to safely get off of them as well, rather than just up! As we're not sure that barrel rolling labradog is a very good end of that endeavor!
Re: Hello from Lora and Alfie~ Bella mastered the hoping down off the sofa long before she had the power for the hop up. She does both famously now of course ;D ;D ;D
Re: Hello from Lora and Alfie~ Hopping down things currently results in something resembling an attempted forwards roll. We're -nearly- elegant with the steps in the living room, unless we're too excited, then paws get muddled and we sort of roll-flop. Sofa's are currently an intimidating height, so are being filled with preventative obstacles so we aren't constantly saying 'no' all the time. c:Sadly dogs curled on sofa's do look really cute...
Re: Hello from Lora and Alfie~ Hi Lora, I posted on your other thread and now realise I've missed saying hi x I live in Dubai with my Husband and yellow boy Dexter,our first dog who is now 2.5 .....can't believe how fast that has gone! X
Re: Hello from Lora and Alfie~ Hello! c: It is nice to meet you! I would love to see a picture of Dexter if you have any! I grew up with a beautiful yellow lab pair called Katie and Meg when I was younger, so I have a special fondness for them, even though Alfie, my boy, is black. And currently sleeping like an angel, bless him, haha
Re: Hello from Lora and Alfie~ Here he is chilling with us in the garden yesterday image by dexterpops02, on Flickr Waiting for me to collect him from daycare last week..... image by dexterpops02, on Flickr And on top of the biggest dune on our off lead hike ....with his friend Flash who has a tail,exactly like a Cumberland sausage ;D ;D image by dexterpops02, on Flickr Now the big question.......has Alfie made it to the sofa yet? ;D ;D ;D