13 weeks old today- survived our first month :)

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Lee Bell, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. Lee Bell

    Lee Bell Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Indie is 13 weeks old today and we have had him nearly 5 weeks, its gone really fast and its been a massive learning curve, just wanted to thank everyone on here for all there helpful advice when I felt like ripping my hair out. As usual though I do have a few questions general ones really to make sure I'm on the right track with him.

    1. Toilet training has massively improved he stands by the back door now and asks to go out when he needs a wee however we do have the occasional little accident when he gets over excited. still massive improvement :)
    2. Stuffed Kongs- just wondering how many of these people give their dogs a day? I worry about making him fat though they give us some lovely peace and quiet.
    3. Begging- Indie is always after food, constantly. if he isn't eating he is moaning that he isn't eating or hovering my kitchen floor up for any spilt crumbs. The vets say he is a healthy weight and we feed him enough food, kongs, treats etc it is just he is really greedy?
    4. Meal times are nearly impossible, we haven't been in our home very long so as of yet have not got round to buying a dining room table. Trying to eat anything around him is a nightmare, he will try and jump up at your plates nose first to get some food or sit their barking at you for food, we never give in however I don't like dogs begging but it has gotten to the point where we have to pop him in his crate for 15 minutes so we can eat a meal, anyone else have this problem? any tips?
    5. Walking- if me and my partner go he is generally very good and will walk after about 5 minutes of trying to turn back. Last night I took him on my own what a nightmare he either refused to walk, wanted to go back the way he came or walked very slowly and cried the whole time. We start puppy training in the next few weeks so I am hoping he will improve. I'm out of ideas with the walking and am worried i'm not using treats effectively whilst out.

    Any help/advice would be appreciated everyone, thanks very much

  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: 13 weeks old today- survived our first month :)

    Hey Pippa, glad to hear you've had some successes and you're feeling a bit more positive!

    [quote author=Lee Bell link=topic=9695.msg140120#msg140120 date=1422435206]
    1. Toilet training has massively improved he stands by the back door now and asks to go out when he needs a wee however we do have the occasional little accident when he gets over excited. still massive improvement :)

    Excellent! It will be some time yet until he's 100%, so don't worry about the odd accident. At five months, one of mine left a puddle on the kitchen floor the other day. No reason for it, but hey ho, one of those things that's almost entirely died out. Just keep doing what you're doing :)

    [quote author=Lee Bell link=topic=9695.msg140120#msg140120 date=1422435206]
    2. Stuffed Kongs- just wondering how many of these people give their dogs a day? I worry about making him fat though they give us some lovely peace and quiet.

    I don't give them kongs every day. If I do give them, it's only one a day. But if you make them with low-calorie fillings and take that out of his meal allowance, he won't get fat.

    [quote author=Lee Bell link=topic=9695.msg140120#msg140120 date=1422435206]
    3. Begging- Indie is always after food, constantly. if he isn't eating he is moaning that he isn't eating or hovering my kitchen floor up for any spilt crumbs. The vets say he is a healthy weight and we feed him enough food, kongs, treats etc it is just he is really greedy?

    No, he's just a normal Labrador! Most would eat until they popped, which is why it's important to keep an eye on their weight so they stay slim. They wouldn't do it for themselves!

    [quote author=Lee Bell link=topic=9695.msg140120#msg140120 date=1422435206]
    4. Meal times are nearly impossible, we haven't been in our home very long so as of yet have not got round to buying a dining room table. Trying to eat anything around him is a nightmare, he will try and jump up at your plates nose first to get some food or sit their barking at you for food, we never give in however I don't like dogs begging but it has gotten to the point where we have to pop him in his crate for 15 minutes so we can eat a meal, anyone else have this problem? any tips?

    At first, we always put Willow (when we only had her) in her crate when we were eating. We often eat off our laps and didn't want a dog in our faces. After a short time, though, we decided to keep her out and just ignore her at meal times - she just pootled off to her bed and settled down as soon as she realised she wasn't going to get any food or attention. Shadow is a little harder work - he's a lot more food motivated than Willow. He will shove his face in your lap and try to get to the food. Ignoring doesn't work. I'm working on an "in your bed" cue for him, which works during training time, but not at meal times at the moment! More proofing needed. The other night we had roast chicken and he was determined to get some, so we ended up popping them into the crate. I don't see there being a problem with this as long as it's not done as a punishment. You deserve to eat in peace!

    [quote author=Lee Bell link=topic=9695.msg140120#msg140120 date=1422435206]
    5. Walking- if me and my partner go he is generally very good and will walk after about 5 minutes of trying to turn back. Last night I took him on my own what a nightmare he either refused to walk, wanted to go back the way he came or walked very slowly and cried the whole time. We start puppy training in the next few weeks so I am hoping he will improve. I'm out of ideas with the walking and am worried i'm not using treats effectively whilst out.

    Sorry, I can't help with this because my two love their walks! Is he on the lead or off? Does he have a favourite toy you could take to play with him or distract him?

    Good luck!
  3. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: 13 weeks old today- survived our first month :)

    Izzy still has accidents, and isn't that good at telling me when she wants to go, so your doing well there.
    Meal times she's goes in her crate and sleeps till we finish.
    Again she would eat until she popped given the chance!
    Kong's I fill with kibble taken out of her allowance, as and when needed.
    I don't have a problem with the walking so can't help with that one.
    Everyday is a challenge with Izzy, some good days some bad, I'm just glad I have this forum otherwise I'd be going quietly mad!
  4. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: 13 weeks old today- survived our first month :)

    You are actually doing fine. It just doesn't feel like it. You are dealing with a very young animal and it takes time for them to learn.

    1. Toilet training. You are where you should be.

    2. Assuming you are feeding him on. Kibble..... I just weigh out the day's ration at the beginning of the day, I take about 50grams out and put it in soak and when it is soft use it to stuff a couple of Kongs, which I then freeze. So there is no worry about over feeding. I used kibble as training treats. I also put Molly's food in Toys, Buster cubes etc, this kept her amused and entertained. While she was young she had very little food in her bowl.

    3. Labradors are legendary for their love of food. Ignore the begging, if you don't you will be making a rod for your own back.

    4. Human meal times. Molly has a kong while I have my meal. I was very pleased at the weekend when my husband had a meaty snack on a low table and despite being only a couple of feet away Molly didn't hassle him. Did I say pleased, I should have said 'Gob smacked'

    5. Walk on a lead is difficult. It is completely unnatural for a dog, but it is something we humans need them to master so they can live in our society. I had exactly the problems you are reporting when Molly was Indie's age. I used to take a step forward, say 'Close' (my command for by my side) and when she stepped next to me I would give her a treat and say 'Good Girl' and repeat, repeat, repeat. I used to refer to our speed as KPH kibble per hundred metres

    The simple truth is that all dog training takes time, but if you want a dog that is a pleasure to live with and doesn't pull you along in its wake NOW is the time to get on top of it.
  5. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: 13 weeks old today- survived our first month :)

    I'll only answer the last one as I'd just be repeating the excellent advice you've had on the others. I was really worried when we took Riley for walks when he was little as he really didn't seem to want to go. I thought my little pup would be investigating everything and raring to go on adventures with me - not so. I was just patient, rewarded him when he decided to move towards me(don't be tempted to lure him towards you - that way madness lies!) I even took a book with me one day :eek: and it all passed and then I had to worry about training a loose lead walk!
  6. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: 13 weeks old today- survived our first month :)

    ditto what they all said...sounds like things are going well. Training is never ending, and they pay attention to EVERYTHING we do and are learning (good and bad habits) from it. Stop and think like a dog for a few minutes, figure out what motivates Indie, and go from there...on all your daily routines.

    My Bella is 20 weeks old...and we are working diligently on HEEL...both on and off lead...trying to find ways to make it fun for her so that she will a) be inclined to stay close to me and b) stop the DARN PULLING :eek: :eek: :eek:
  7. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: 13 weeks old today- survived our first month :)

    [quote author=Lee Bell link=topic=9695.msg140120#msg140120 date=1422435206]
    Indie is 13 weeks old today and we have had him nearly 5 weeks, its gone really fast and its been a massive learning curve, just wanted to thank everyone on here for all there helpful advice when I felt like ripping my hair out. As usual though I do have a few questions general ones really to make sure I'm on the right track with him.

    1. Toilet training has massively improved he stands by the back door now and asks to go out when he needs a wee however we do have the occasional little accident when he gets over excited. still massive improvement :)
    2. Stuffed Kongs- just wondering how many of these people give their dogs a day? I worry about making him fat though they give us some lovely peace and quiet.
    3. Begging- Indie is always after food, constantly. if he isn't eating he is moaning that he isn't eating or hovering my kitchen floor up for any spilt crumbs. The vets say he is a healthy weight and we feed him enough food, kongs, treats etc it is just he is really greedy?
    4. Meal times are nearly impossible, we haven't been in our home very long so as of yet have not got round to buying a dining room table. Trying to eat anything around him is a nightmare, he will try and jump up at your plates nose first to get some food or sit their barking at you for food, we never give in however I don't like dogs begging but it has gotten to the point where we have to pop him in his crate for 15 minutes so we can eat a meal, anyone else have this problem? any tips?
    5. Walking- if me and my partner go he is generally very good and will walk after about 5 minutes of trying to turn back. Last night I took him on my own what a nightmare he either refused to walk, wanted to go back the way he came or walked very slowly and cried the whole time. We start puppy training in the next few weeks so I am hoping he will improve. I'm out of ideas with the walking and am worried i'm not using treats effectively whilst out.

    Any help/advice would be appreciated everyone, thanks very much


    Bella gets all her lunch allowance in Kongs , with soaked biscuits from her lunch allowance and some cheese or sardines to plug them , that fills 2 -3 big Kongs and 3 little ones - I leave her a couple in the am and puppy sitter gives her the rest in the pm every week day. I freeze some too so it's more of a challenge.

    I eat on the sofa too, Bella is exactly the same, sometimes I shut her other side of the baby gate in kitchen and she just waits quietly now until I'm done, I'm also giving her treats if in same room for sitting nicely waiting, and not jumping, I was treating her whilst eating so quite tricky to do both but seems to work, she knows what I want her to do and she knows that she also gets some of my left overs if she's really good and doesn't jump ;D

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