Howling when left alone

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Puppy blake, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. Puppy blake

    Puppy blake Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2015
    Please help My 9 week old puppy lab howls when left on his own for any length of time. I have tried leaving him in the crate with a kong but two minutes later he is finished it and howling again. Even leaving him to brush my teeth results in howling. It's not just the crate as he does the same in his pen. I've tried everything but nothing's working. We have tried everything the book tells us to do but still the howling continues. Please help.
  2. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Howling when left alone

    It will get better, Bella did this continuously and still does it sometimes ( she's 15 weeks) she's feels safer now she knows I go and come back so it's improved a lot and your baby doesn't know this yet and is just scared in a new place with new people.

    Just ignore and only go to him when he's quiet or there's a pause. It will get better, I'm living proof :)
  3. Sally C

    Sally C Registered Users

    Dec 27, 2014
    Re: Howling when left alone

    I posted an 'at my wits end' post a couple of days ago due to my 9 week old howling/tearing his crate apart when left FOR A SECOND! This applied whether in crate or pen too. Apparently it's totally normal and will get better in time, and it's ok to ignore it for a bit. Phew! Have a look at the post 'Is this normal?!' for some sound advice from all the people here, it really helped me.

    Have you been doing 'click for quiet' training? I have upped the amount I'm doing it over the last couple of days due to Friday's whine-athon, and am now up to 30 second gaps, and I swear it's making a difference. Also, in terms of toys, I have found that varying the texture of them helps keep his interest more i.e. if he's been playing with something plastic, after I will give him a rope toy, then an ice cube, then cardboard or whatever, and this seems to keep him focussed a bit more. In terms of kongs, are you using anything that smells strong? This has made a MASSIVE difference to my pup being able to entertain himself... I now soak his kibble in tuna water then freeze it, and it really draws his attention much more than using normal kibble.

    Plus I'm still making sure his crate is the best place to be, and doing a bit of crate training everyday.

    Good luck! :D
  4. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Howling when left alone

    Also what calmed Bella howling at night was putting a tshirt of mine in her crate and I also do that that in the day time

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