Remembering Tess today

Discussion in 'The Rainbow Bridge' started by kateincornwall, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Remembering Tess today

    Tears here too :'(
  2. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Remembering Tess today

    Oh dear you've got me going too....sniff sniff....sending hugs and sympathy to you, Kate. Tess was indeed a beautiful girl!

    I went on a "memorial walk" a couple days after my Jet died, to the place we walked together the most. Just as I was nearing the end, suddenly a Border Collie flashed out of the woods in front of me, across the path in front of me, and disappeared into the trees on the other side. I stood there for awhile, heard nothing, saw no sign of the dog. No other people around. Had to smile, thinking it was a little sign that Jet wanted me to lighten up and have fun, as we always did on those trails.

    I have two waiting for me in Heaven's green valleys - McDuff and Jet. Greatly loved and always missed.

    Lochan, your poem reminded me of something a friend sent after Jet died last November:

    "A good dog never dies. He always stays. He walks besides you on crisp autumn days when frost is on the fields and winter's drawing near. His head is within our hand in his old way."
    (Mary Carolyn Davies)

    Here's a pic of my Jet, beloved frisbee close at hand (paw)....
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Remembering Tess today

    Beautiful and true words, Lochan and Lisa. Good thing I have a hanky handy.

    On Sunday we finished off Nicolae's grave, which is in our back garden. He died in December last year at 14. We put large river stones over his grave. Some of them look like big loaves of Italian bread, which I know he would have appreciated. He also has a black granite plaque that reads 'Nicolae. Beloved. 1998 - 2012'. While we were doing all this, and feeling very sad, Obi made off with the polystyrene packaging that the plaque came in - ran around with it in a most irreverent way and tore it into a thousand pieces. All that exuberance lightened us up a bit and reminded us (as we are often reminded) to enjoy every moment of Obi's life too.
  4. debsie

    debsie Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2012
    Re: Remembering Tess today

    What a lovely memorial to Nicolae that sounds, and bless Obi....

    I'm having to stop reading this thread at work now, its so poignant :'(

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