Puppy howling from 4.30am

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by SarahBucko, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. SarahBucko

    SarahBucko Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Hi there,

    So, Fletcher is now about 5 months. He goes into his crate at 10ish and unfortunately still has this annoying habit of needing to go outside to the loo at 4am. He's super quick, does his business and is then put back in his crate.

    Until last week he would go back to sleep until 6. However, he has started waking up between 4.30-5 and barking. I ignore him and he does eventually shut up, but then it is time to get up.

    Any tips or is it just a battle of wills which I have to win?
  2. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Puppy howling from 4.30am

    You can just ignore him as it might just be a phase. You could put him to bed later, 11pm? I do bed at 11 and up about 6.30 (I'm up for work then 3 days a week). Does he have a drink in with him?
  3. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Puppy howling from 4.30am

    Oh nooooo I feel your pain.... Bella started doing this several times during the night at around 11 weeks so she's now in a crate in my room and sleeps from 10pm until 7 am ( waking about 5.30-6 for a 5 min play- I can hear her but don't interact) . I tried to put her back in the kitchen a few weeks ago but she was not having it.... So this is the arrangement for the time being. I didn't have the option to ignore due to waking the neighbours ::) hopefully once he starts sleeping through and not waking up for the loo, the barking will stop... For now I would ignore or re think sleeping arrangements ;D
  4. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Puppy howling from 4.30am

    It's probably just a phase as at 5 months old he should be able to hold on for the toilet. It sounds like he's gotten himself into a routine of getting up that early and now expects it.

    I would wait it out if you can! Make sure you never go to him when he's making a noise. We had something similar with Penny who used to pick up on even if we got out of bed, so I had to stay lying in bed until she was quiet and then I got up. He will soon get the message.
  5. SarahBucko

    SarahBucko Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Re: Puppy howling from 4.30am

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I think that I'll put him to bed later, then carry on the ignoring. Hopefully he'll get the message soon, labs can be so stubborn though!
  6. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Puppy howling from 4.30am

    It's such a difficult one - I feel for you.

    With Gypsy it turned out that she simply hated the crate, she was ok when sleepy but hopeless when less so. She had to be de-crated at six months old anyway, so we simply de-crated early.

    It worked. The only chewing we have had is a bit of a skirting board nibble, which we smeared in Vicks Vapour Rub, she hasn't touched it since (8 months old now).

  7. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Re: Puppy howling from 4.30am

    Hi Sarah,

    Sorry to hear you are getting woken up, a broken night's sleep is a seriously hard thing to deal with :(

    You might find this article from the main website of some use Night Waking: How to restore the peace

    Let us know how you get on!

    Best of luck :)
  8. SarahBucko

    SarahBucko Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Re: Puppy howling from 4.30am

    That's interesting about the de-crating. We're moving back into our house after a big refurbishment in a month and a half and I think I'll move him out of his crate then. Thanks for the Vicks Vapour rub tip too.
  9. Petrina

    Petrina Registered Users

    Aug 28, 2014
    Re: Puppy howling from 4.30am

    Ooh I feel your pain, dh had catch 5.30 flight New job! And after that Bailey started whining at 5! Next day, I assumed needed wee, well,had wee but now realises it's company he's after, so I just ignored it next day till 5.15, 5.30, 6 and by dh return back to 6.50!
    Now regularly has to go to Edinburgh he's not allowed to go to kitchen!
    Took weeks to realise difference between " I'm desperate for loo" wine and " anyone about please whine!
    Every morning I go into kitchen and ignore, put coffee machine on! Then let Bailey out,
    Only if desperate for loo he sits in crate, 99 percent lies quietly ! Until I've finished!

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