I'm just looking at Pippa's books on The Gundog Club site - does anybody know if they are worth getting in addition to The Happy Puppy Guide, particularly 'The Right Start'. Thank you!
Re: The Gundog Club Training Manuals I used the Grade 3 manual, and found it absolutely brilliant. The best training manual I have ever seen.
Re: The Gundog Club Training Manuals Hi there, I've recently purchased guides 1 & 2, in most of the excercises Pippa does not tell you where to C&T however if you are already using this concept you will understand when to do so. For some exercises that you might need extra help eg the retrieve the manual contains a C&T version. So what I'm saying is she gives you the excercises broken down into simple steps, it's up to you as to how you want to work with your dog to embed them but the books are brilliantly written, clear and with drills to help really lay the right foundations! Also a series of questions you need to answer to prove that you have really embedded. I would definitely recommend them. I'm currently working on the exercises in Grade one and using the drills to help me make sure the behaviour is spot on. I do also use C&T as my mark/reward behaviour tool. Hope that helps Lisa
Re: The Gundog Club Training Manuals Hey does anyone have a link for these and what would you recommend one started with for a 5-6 month old pup?
Re: The Gundog Club Training Manuals Hi there, you can get them/find out more on thegundogclub.co.uk website ...I would recommend Grade One, beginner retriever and Grade Two, junior retriever...you get a discount for buying the 2 together. I think there might be different manuals depending on what type of gundog you have...I have a lab Cheers Lisa
Re: The Gundog Club Training Manuals I have a lab too I'd grade 1 the very basics though as she's got quite a lot of stuff already or is it worth getting?
Re: The Gundog Club Training Manuals Hi there, I had pretty much the same dilemma, Welly could do the basics and had his Bronze KC certificate before I purchased the Grad one manual...however I've still got plenty out of the manual, most useful would be the drills and a good understanding of what is required if you want to do the test, which I plan too...we're still working up to be able to do the retrieve and sit(stay) at 20 yards for 2 mins. So I'm really pleased I bought it. I bought this an the Junior one together to save a bit and I've occassionally dipped into the other manual for a few tips to help with heelwork and stop which I will need for my KC Gold which starts next week. I hope that helps CDM Cheers Lisa