Temperament Test?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by amyrockss, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. amyrockss

    amyrockss Registered Users

    Jan 22, 2015
    Just recently, I had a friend ask me if I've ever performed a temperament test on my pup. I didn't, but I did observe his behavior and everything before taking him home. He was the odd one out of his litter. While everyone else was busy playing and stealing toys from each other, he sat and walked on his own doing his own thing. He was pretty calm and quiet too so we decided to go with him 'cause we wanted a responsive calm dog.

    Anyways, I just looked up what the temperament test is, and I'm wondering if any of you guys have performed the temperament test on your own pups or on others? If yes, does it work and does it prove anything? What results did you guys get? I'm thinking about giving it a shot to see how Felix reacts...
  2. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Temperament Test?

    I think I read something on here going back last year about a puppy's behaviour at 8 weeks not being an accurate representation of what they will be like as they grow up, but don't quote me on that! Having observed both of my mums puppies growing up as an objective outsider, however, what they were like when they were brought home is very much what they are like now.

    I have performed temperament tests on probably hundreds of dogs whilst working in the rescue centre, but I received months of training to do so and worked alongside the team of behaviourists there for years. The problem is that there is no universal way of assessing - everyone will do it differently and interpret the results differently. So where one person might say a dog is one thing, another could say it's the complete opposite. I myself have assessed a dog as being completely different to how my colleague interpreted the behaviour, so it's not really an exact science. You can get a general idea, but I wouldn't 100% rely on it.
  3. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Temperament Test?

    I haven't and hadn't heard of them. I can say that at 6.5 weeks, my two seemed incredibly similar and now they're very, very different. Maybe by 8 weeks, their differences were more apparent, but very few people have the opportunity of waiting until then to make their choice.
  4. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Temperament Test?

    No, I didn't but I had heard of them and had heard that they are not that reliable with puppies. My pup chose me. She's fabo. ;)
  5. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Temperament Test?

    No formal temperament test. But our breeder did give us a very strong steer when choosing our puppy - there were two pale yellow boys in the litter, one very active and vocal, the other very quiet and calm. This was at about 7 weeks of age. We were attracted to the lively one (inevitably), but she strongly advised that that pup would be happiest in a home with young children would would play with him all the time and give lots of stimulation - whereas for a stay-at-home couple like us, the quieter pup would be better. So that was our choice!

    I have to say that I think the advice was brilliant and has proved to be spot on - Pongo is a wonderfully calm, sensible, brave and laid-back dog (although not when in the company of his friends!!!) and has been the perfect boy for us.

    It might of course have been coincidence, but I don't think so - I think the personalities were definitely showing through at 7 weeks.
  6. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Temperament Test?

    We were fortunate as the breeder was able to show us letters from owners of the previous litter of pups , it seemed that most were calm and biddable, just what we wanted and just what we got :)
  7. A.Causer

    A.Causer Registered Users

    Jun 11, 2014
    Re: Temperament Test?

    It's funny how we choose pups or they choose us isn't it. We went to see Amber's litter not as buyers just in my favourite role as puppy socialiser for my friends mum. I've done it for years. I go to play and normlly help weigh and de-worm the puppies. This particular time I took the other half and his resolve that we were not having a dog lasted less than the overnight stay!! We knew one puppy was left but didn't bother to find out which one as that wasn't why we were there. Later in the day my friends mum pointed out the last pup left, in her lovely purple collar and massive wrinkly shar pei head. Later we went back through all out cute pics on the phones and every time a pup was being very sweet and affectionate with us we could see that little purple collar!! So she was definitely dropping hints to us. Haha. She was laid back and very greedy - constantly at the food bowl or asleep in our arms. That night we laid in bed deliberating about her and made the mistake(??!!) of naming her. I don't advocate impulse puppy buying but I'm a vet so knew what I was getting myself into and we had been constantly talking about getting a dog in the near future. Plus I had always said I'd want a dog my friends mum had bred as she does all tests/scores and has dogs with great temperaments. So it all worked out for the best but Amber is certainly not laid back or sleepy these days. She has kept the greedy part of her 6 week personality!! I think at 8 weeks she had started to show her true crocodile colours though!!
  8. amyrockss

    amyrockss Registered Users

    Jan 22, 2015
    Re: Temperament Test?

    We've been taking Felix to the vet for his shots and everything and the vet told us, they've seen a huge change in his personality. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing :/ The first two times we went, he was about 8 weeks and 13 weeks. He was a calm, relax puppy who was rather easy to examine. But just recently, he went back in and he was overly overexcited and hyper that the vets and everyone else was taken aback it. The vet had a hard time examining Felix as he wouldn't sit still or relax. To be honest, it was quite embarrassing :( Eventually, I got Felix to settle down as I sat him down to eat some treats from hand as the vet gave him shots.

    Before we left the clinic, we were advised to try performing a temperament test on him to see if he falls in the responsive, nervous, aggressive, or independent category. We've been trying to teach Felix how to roll over but every time we try to, he would mouth at our hands and widen his eyes. My boyfriend did some research on the test and he said if the puppy should try to bite or growl if they are put on their backs, they fall into the aggressive/dominant category. Another thing is, we've taken him to some pet stores to get some socializing skills but everytime he sees another dog or cat, he lunges at them and barks!

    It's making me stress as I'm thinking, OMG, I got myself a puppy that will become dominant or aggressive! :-[ It's just, he's been such a great puppy to us that we just don't see him becoming like that.
  9. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Temperament Test?

    Felix is simply growing up and is behaving like a completely normal, excitable puppy amyrockss! Barking and lunging are simply a sign of excitement and exuberance.

    I meet lots and lots of pups every week (I'm a Guide Dog puppy walker) and none of what you describe is in the least bit worrysome!
  10. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Temperament Test?

    Temperament tests were very popular at one time but seem to have fallen out of favour now. Which is probably a good thing as I have never seen any evidence that they are at all reliable in predicting future behaviour.

    Many eight week old puppies are very subdued for the first few days, probably due to the stress and upheaval of moving home. Once they have settled in and feel at a home, you will see their personality emerge.

    As Boogs has said, your puppy sound entirely normal. Dominance seeking behaviour and aggression are extremely unusual in Labradors, so try to relax. Extremes of excitable and bitey behaviour in small puppies is often caused by excited handling or play. So if he is getting a bit 'over the top', try handling him very calmly and avoiding all physical play for a while.

    Many healthy puppies when placed on their backs think you are trying to initiate a game and will wrap their legs around your hand and bite your fingers like a kitten would. So I recommend you don't do this :)
  11. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Temperament Test?

    Amyrockss please please don't worry! Your puppy sounds a completely normal labrador puppy to me - not aggressive at all, just a classic 'crocodog' (see all the posts on this forum, you are not alone!) and a pup who is desperately keen to make friends with every other dog in the universe...
  12. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
  13. amyrockss

    amyrockss Registered Users

    Jan 22, 2015
    Re: Temperament Test?

    I know Felix isn't aggressive. I guess you can say, sometimes his behavior catches me off guard and gets me nervous and embarassed. Especially when he lunges and barks at animals!
  14. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: Temperament Test?

    [quote author=amyrockss link=topic=10012.msg146187#msg146187 date=1424976355]
    he said if the puppy should try to bite or growl if they are put on their backs, they fall into the aggressive/dominant category.

    In that case, my Willow is a terribly aggressive/dominant Labrador puppy:


    Oh no, wait. She's not. She was just a typical crocopup. She still does the mock biting when we play with her on her back, but now she has very good bite inhibition. Not an aggressive bone in her body.

    Don't worry, Felix is just being a puppy. Willow also used to bark at some people when out on walks. I have worked on this with my clicker and now it's very, very rare that she even acknowledges strangers. It's just a case of identifying the behaviours you don't want and trying to train them out, replacing them with preferred behaviours. "Just". Heh.
  15. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Temperament Test?

    vicious beast you've got there Fiona ;D ;D ;D You better be careful!!!!!
  16. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Temperament Test?

    [quote author=amyrockss link=topic=10012.msg146254#msg146254 date=1425014831]
    sometimes his behavior catches me off guard and gets me ... embarassed.

    I live in a state of permanent embarrassment at Pongo's behaviour. I started off thinking I'd have to train him to be a perfect boy. Now I've realised I just have to train myself to survive the embarrassment. This is work in progress!!
  17. amyrockss

    amyrockss Registered Users

    Jan 22, 2015
    Re: Temperament Test?

    You guys are so wonderful! Making me feel much better about myself! Haha. Guess you can say I'm an insecure dog owner! :-\ Still learning day by day :) Glad to know I'm not alone!
  18. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Temperament Test?

    I think I can GUARANTEE you that whatever Felix does to make you embarrassed, someone on this forum has a story ten times worse. Just don't get me started on Pongo at puppy classes. Or with the farmer's slurry pond. Or with our best friend who doesn't really like dogs. Or when we go on group walkies and everyone else's dog is running back to their owners beautifully and I am stood there shouting forlornly "Pongo Come! Pongo Come!" as he disappears over the hillside and out of sight (because he wants to put muddy paws all over that nice lady in the white coat).

    But we still love them to bits! (Pongo's not well at the moment and all depressed, and I just can't wait for him to get his bounce back...however much it makes me squirm!)
  19. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Re: Temperament Test?

    [quote author=Rosie link=topic=10012.msg146389#msg146389 date=1425062685]
    I think I can GUARANTEE you that whatever Felix does to make you embarrassed, someone on this forum has a story ten times worse. Just don't get me started on Pongo at puppy classes. Or with the farmer's slurry pond. Or with our best friend who doesn't really like dogs. Or when we go on group walkies and everyone else's dog is running back to their owners beautifully and I am stood there shouting forlornly "Pongo Come! Pongo Come!" as he disappears over the hillside and out of sight (because he wants to put muddy paws all over that nice lady in the white coat).

    But we still love them to bits! (Pongo's not well at the moment and all depressed, and I just can't wait for him to get his bounce back...however much it makes me squirm!)

    himmmm I think Benson takes the prize for running away and not coming back.... :-[ :-[ And Casper....well he does a Usain Bolt at the sight of a cyclist...and a jogger....the odd lookng umbrellla. (with a person underneath it....)...that man wearing a big yellow coat... :-[ :-[

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