How to Manage a Strong Pulling Labrador!

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by lucy@labforumHQ, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Our latest article takes a look at how to cope when walking with a strong pulling Labrador:

    My Labrador Pulls
  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: How to Manage a Strong Pulling Labrador!

    These articles nail it. Total consistency is the key.

    We had a harness just like the 'freedom harness' for Tatze while she learned not to pull. She doesn't pull at all now. But, just occasionally, she will try to pull backwards out of her collar. So, if we are doing a lot of road walking the harness comes out again.

    With Gypsy it was different. As a Guide Dog puppy she has had to learn fast. Not just no pulling, but walking ahead of me and not pulling. She is now learning to walk with my leg by her rump, which is quite a lot in front!

    So we made sure free runs for her were in places she could be free straight out of the car. Lead walking was just that for months, not going anywhere - just practicing walking with a slack lead. Having a destination in mind would mean my focus was not as much on the walking as on getting there.

    It really worked, she is an absolute joy to walk now and is learning to look ahead and make decisions as to whether to slow down, stop or go round obstacles - which will be her main work. But it has taken oodles of determination on our part to never move ahead with a pulling dog!
  3. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: How to Manage a Strong Pulling Labrador!

    I know the article wasn't exactly recommending the use of head collars but I have to disagree with using the Halti as an example. The Halti has a tendency to ride up into the dogs eyes which makes it even harder for a dog to accept this head collar. My dog ended up with a bald patch under his eye due to rubbing by a Halti.

    If an under chin head collar is required I would recommend the gentle leader but I've found figure of eight head collars to be the best. There is also the fixed action head collar which is easier for a dog to accept but gives control of the head.
  4. sussex

    sussex Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: How to Manage a Strong Pulling Labrador!

    i have bought a harness from dog games the perfect fit harness and my dog does not pull when wearing this it really is good
  5. nkzelda

    nkzelda Registered Users

    Mar 25, 2014
    Re: How to Manage a Strong Pulling Labrador!

    The ones that go around their mouth and nose - I tried that and my dog just constantly tried to get it off and then did. The Pet Safe Easy Walk dog harness is the best one of the few I've tried. It helps a great deal, although there's still a little bit of pulling. Particularly when there's other dogs or she sees a squirrel, extra pulling. Without this harness though, she kinda coughs.

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