Hi all, I have trained gundogs for a few years now mainly ESS for trialing and a few Labs but just recently i took a young ( 17 month ) very well bred labrador in that is very nervous of just about every thing especially people he is a lovely natured dog no badness in him and i have made progress in the 3 weeks i have had him but i would like some advice or even tuition off some one to progress as i have never come across a dog like this before. Baseicly i think he needs a lot of socalising but this is easier said than done any replies advice welcome
Re: Very nervous dog. Welcome There are some people with reactive dogs on the forum and I'm sure they will be along to help. If you use the search to find BAT you'll find some threads that discuss that approach to helping nervous dogs. Best of luck, I look forward to hearing more about your boys progress.
Re: Very nervous dog. Rawry, could you give use some examples of your dog's behaviour? When is he nervous and his does this show itself? How is he with people, dogs, new situations? What sort of methods are you using and what sorts of things do you think are working the best?
Re: Very nervous dog. Hi I have two very nervous labradors especially with people they don't like anyone they don't know touching them. At one time they didn't like people approaching them but now I'm pleased to say they will approach people we just need more work on the touching thing. I will give you links to the websites I used. I took a bit out if all of them but basically they all use counter conditioning. This is the thread I started last March. http://www.thelabradorforum.com/index.php?topic=4934.0 www.empoweredanimals.com www.careforreactivedogs.com www.woodysway.co.uk This website is actually to teach children how to approach a strange dog and understand dog body language however I found the PAWSrules very useful if you can get other people to follow them. I hope they help good luck.
Re: Very nervous dog. Hi all Thanks for the replies the dog is nervous of everything his ears are flat tail down and he lowers his body he is better when off the lead running around the fields with my other dogs or on his own but a strange noise or movement stops him. With people he is the same if my wife takes him out and plays with him he settles down but the next day she has to start over again its as though he dose'nt trust any body he is fine with me all of the time and i can do some training with him he loves a tennis balls i try to use this and tears when we are out. he won't go in his bed in the kennel he sleeps on the floor near the door in the run i have started to take him to different places now i.e.pub/the park up and down the main street( we live in a small village)and he is getting a little bit better.
Re: Very nervous dog. Your words about your dog having to start again each day with your wife, reminded me that many years ago I rescued a German Pointer who was very nervous, when I first saw him he was almost paralysed with fear as he hid under a table, the very first time he had been in a house. Each day he forgot who I was and we had to start again, but gradually he gained confidence and was fine. Though he was gun shy, I managed to get him to tolerate the shooting from local shoot but could never take him shooting.