I understand that pups should be having four meals a day up until around three months. Monty is 13 weeks this weekend so I should be thinking about reducing his meals. Is the first step to go to three meals, and then in a couple of months to two? Is there a recognised method and timing? He's fed on Nature's Menu (pre-prepared, frozen) raw puppy food if that makes a difference. Thanks yet again. James
Re: Reducing puppy meal times Hi James , usually reduce to three meals at around 3/4 months of age and then two meals per day at around 6/8 months and keep to two meals, breakfast and tea . So , assuming you are currently feeding an afternoon meal and an evening meal as two of your four , push the afternoon one forward to early evening and do away with the former evening meal . What you are then aiming for is breakfast , late lunch and early evening . Hope this helps
Re: Reducing puppy meal times Thanks. Is 13 weeks a good time to start changing or a touch too early? How do you know when the time is right? He is a Springer, almost 6kgs. Currently we're doing 6am (I'm an early riser!!), 11am, 3pm & 7pm. Thanks
Re: Reducing puppy meal times Hi, We did 3 meals a day from about 7 weeks old when we brought our Bella home...but she also got training treats throughout the day - so you can just play it by ear. I think it's more about balancing the quantity throughout the allotted meals than anything else...and then slowly stretching the time out between the meals when you are wanting to change the pattern. My Bella is still on 3 meals a day at 6 months old...but sometimes we skip lunch if we've been out on a walk with lots of training and treats.....in these cases I just give her a bit more in her dinner.
Re: Reducing puppy meal times Yes, ideal time to cut to three now . Move the 11 a.m. to around 12-12.30 . then the last meal about 5.30 ish, maybe a little later to help him through the night . Its a bit trial and error to be honest , all have different appetites , my lad , now heading for four years old was devastated when we cut out his lunch so he still gets a few biscuits
Re: Reducing puppy meal times At 8 mo. we're cutting sara down to 2 meals with training snacks. She doesn't seem to miss lunch and it's nice because we don't have to be home by noon. As far as timing goes, JAYMZ, it really depends on what your house is made of.