2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by andreasjuuls, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. andreasjuuls

    andreasjuuls Registered Users

    Dec 3, 2014
    We have Louis 5 months old chocolate lab and he is amazing. Can't really describe it

    My girl friend and I have decided to get a second one but not sure on color timing and sex

    Any advice?

    Also, any experience with golden retrievers? What's key difference in temperament vs labs?
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    I don't think the colour or sex are really anything we can help you with - that's entirely up to you! Although, you should obviously consider, if Louis isn't neutered, if you have a girl, how you will deal with that so you don't get unwanted puppies.

    Having two puppies myself (from the same litter, both just under 8 months), I can tell you categorically that two is MUCH harder than one. I walk and train them separately in the mornings, which takes, for now, around 45 minutes per puppy. They then get a walk together in the evenings, where I do a little bit of training with them, too, but that is a lot more difficult than the training I do individually, because of the excitement of having their sibling there.

    On the plus side, they do entertain each other when I'm working and they're not sleeping, which to be fair isn't often. If I go out, I do like the fact that they have company, but the reality is that they're normally asleep on separate sofas when I'm not there. I suppose the fact that there's another dog there could stop them getting bored, but the other side of that is they can be twice as destructive! I came home to a hole in my plaster the other day, after being out for an hour, and both puppies had it in their teeth. I imagine that Willow started it, but Shadow definitely helped make it worse!

    With two dogs, you need to work on separation anxiety with each other, in the same way that you'd do it with one puppy being apart from you. You don't want them to become too dependent on each other, because there will be times that they are without the other one; vets' trips etc and, of course, when the sad day comes that one of them dies. So that means splitting them relatively regularly so they get their independence.

    Of course, there's the additional cost involved with two lots of bellies to fill, two lots of vet bills etc, but I assume you've considered that already. It's worth thinking of the "what if's", eg if you lost a source of income, how would you cope?

    I know this all sounds doom and gloom, but I'm trying to give a balanced picture for you. It's also a delight to have two dogs, despite the extra work.

    I think most people recommend you wait until the first puppy is around a year old before getting a second, but at the end of the day, it's entirely up to you. I went against all common sense and advice when I took two from the same litter and, whilst it is SO much more work than just having one, I'm not sorry I did. Their personalities are so completely different and they complement each other beautifully, both temperamentally and aesthetically!

    I've only known a couple of GRs in my time, so don't have a lot of advice. My friend's GR was a rambunctious puppy, but very early on she settled down into a very quiet dog. She's a lot more sensible than any Lab I've ever met, and I believe that calmness is a general trait. To be honest, it's not my cup of tea, because I prefer a bit more silliness; at four years of age, she could easily be mistaken for an old lady. That may suit you alongside a daft Labrador, though ;D
  3. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    It's really a case of weighing the pros and cons, with a girl what actions are you going to take with an entire boy to prevent unwanted puppies? If you have 2 boys there is no guarantee that they will get on together. What age is a good age to get another pup, probably there isn't a good age as it depends upon your puppy in residence. Snowbunny mentions the amount of time spent training each puppy, individually and together. Do it would be a question of whether you have the time to devote to both Louis and his ongoing training and a new puppy together with the different walking regimes they would need for sometime.

    I've never had a GR but Juno is my 3rd Labrador girl, all have had different characters but all have been quiet girls - more of the old girl mentality as Snowbunny calls it from a young age and not daft. I can't say I'm sorry that Juno is lovely quiet, friendly girl without being in anyone face.
  4. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    My Gypsy (guide dog puppy) is Lab x GR. She is far, far less food motivated, which is quite typical of GRs. I meet a lot of guide dog pups who are GRs and only a few are motivated by food treats. She has a lovely temperamnet and adores being stroked and groomed.

    She is less enthusiastic than my Lab but much more intelligent. She uses her brains all the time and needs to be kept busy and thinking. She doesn't snooze as much either. We can go for a long free run and five minutes later she's asking 'what's next?' It's a good thing she will be a working dog :)
  5. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    I don't have a second lab but I do have a second dog. I would totally agree that it's much more work than one as they're trained separately. I was pleased I waited til Riley (my almost four year old lab) was mature and reasonably well trained before getting a second dog. (I also had a baby when Riley was one so time was a big factor for me). I chose boys both times because I didn't want to deal with girls and their seasons and I generally prefer boys.

    I've only met golden retrievers in passing so can't really comment on their temperaments but based on looks I definitely want one from working ones one day :)

    I think if you're relatively inexperienced as I am I would suggest waiting til your dog is more mature and you're past the adolescent hiccups that often crop up but it's up to you of course, good luck!
  6. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    If you wait until your pup is around a year old and is walking to heel nicely, you'll probably have an easier time of it :)

    I love goldens, my first dog was one, but, there is a big problem with cancer in the breed so if you go that route look for lines with longevity, and maybe consider an older sire
  7. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    Golden Retrievers moult like mad. I was a veterinary nurse and a client came in with two GR who lay down, when they left there was a mat of hairs, at that point I said to myself I will never have a GR! They moult worse than Labs ;D
  8. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    [quote author=Stacia link=topic=10418.msg153565#msg153565 date=1427917655]
    Golden Retrievers moult like mad. I was a veterinary nurse and a client came in with two GR who lay down, when they left there was a mat of hairs, at that point I said to myself I will never have a GR! They moult worse than Labs ;D

    But do they moult worse than Clumbers?!?! Thank goodness I'm not OCD or my brain would have exploded since getting Obi!!!! All my carpets are a shade lighter I just can NOT get all the fine white hairs out :eek:
  9. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    I think they might be worse than Clumbers :) It is the light colour I think which makes the hairs show up even more!
  10. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    [quote author=Stacia link=topic=10418.msg153572#msg153572 date=1427917865]
    I think they might be worse than Clumbers :) It is the light colour I think which makes the hairs show up even more!

    That is reeeeaaaaally bad! :eek:
  11. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    Don't talk to me about light hair. When Shadow had his moult I nearly left home.
  12. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    Yes, Gypsy is only half GR and she moults like crazy!

  13. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: 2nd labrador - pls share experience and thoughts

    I had two male half-brothers, two years apart in age, and they were very happy together with never a cross word for over 12 years. I think it's a great idea to wait until the first dog is a little older, and the training is pretty solid.

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