Wondering how much to give? I have just cooked 2 (very large) trout, and now have a mass of flaked fish. Any one got a very rough idea how much to feed as a meal? Considering mixing some oats in too. Scooby (he weighs 34kg) generally has 400g of kibble a day, and Belle (she weighs 20kg) has a whole tin of wet food. Their weight is stable on what they get. Judging by their behaviour when I was preparing it, they would eat the whole bowl if I put it down.
Re: Fish for Dinner If I'm feeding sardines, I give them two large ones as their lunch (whole, raw, frozen, about seven inches nose to tail). I guess trout is less calorific, and Scooby is twice the size of my two. If that's any help at all!
Re: Fish for Dinner thanks Snowbunny - I used your guidance with a bit of calorie calculating - and managed to portion out meals for one day for each dog out of the 2 trout. They both ate breakfast with gusto today, and are looking for more.
Re: Fish for Dinner I tend to give tennis ball or baseball sized quantities of things.... Not that that is much help.