Bite Inhibition

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by marie11, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. zanacal

    zanacal Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Bite Inhibition

    Everybody said it, I'm pretty sure I didn't entirely believe it, I do now ;D
  2. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Bite Inhibition

    I am sure you have been told and re-told that THIS TOO DOES PASS! and it DOES....but, when you are going through takes FOREVER. My hands and arms and ankles were bleeding every day....I had bruises on my arms, hands and legs. My doctor thought I was in an abusive relationship! One thing I DID learn was not to pull my hand out of his mouth because those teeth just scraped across my entire hand and made it even worse and oh, so painful. Now, Cooper is almost 14 months, the sweetest fellow you would ever meet. Now he gives you kisses and licks where, before, were scars that are finally disappearing.
    So, yes, there is hope. I will not mention "be patient" because how can you be patient when you are in such pain and are living with a crocodile that gets at you coming and going, no matter how kind you are to it! Adult teeth have to come in first before this stops. Also, Cooper responded to nothing but putting him in his crate for a time out to cool down. I tried everything that was written and nothing worked but the crate. He loved his crate, so it didnt put him off going into it. He probably needed a "cool down" and appreciated being put in there. So hang in will come through it. But, when you are going through it, it's horrendous.
  3. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: Bite Inhibition

    zanacal + snowbunny :) :)

    Yvonne OMG poor you and thank you She has been a little better today infact I had proud Mummy moment ;D as she was walking round garden proud as anything with her lead picking it up carrying it in her mouth similar to my first Lab thats what he used to do and i managed to walk a short distance with her :) :) nipping not been so bad a sI been more ready for her today the woof seems to be stopping her in her tracks she does come back to it but by then Im ready to push her head slightly away few of those and she moves on to something else whether It's right I really don't know but I seems to be working .....the now :)
  4. Sonny Bach

    Sonny Bach Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2015
    Re: Bite Inhibition

    Sonny does the same with my partner especially if her dressing gown belt is danging near him. Its all about play but its the growling that worries most. On the beach yesterday he met a 3 month old retriever and bit his ear and paw, had to say sorry to the owner and put him on his lead.
  5. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: Bite Inhibition

    Sonny Bach

    I am so sorry to hear you didn't have a nice time at beach maybe someone on here can help keep your chin up
  6. maisiesmomma

    maisiesmomma Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2015
    Re: Bite Inhibition

    Just a word about the "pushing her head away slightly" trick you intend to use… some dogs will interpret that as part of play. I had a problem with Maisie "mugging" me for treats if I had them in my pocket while I was sitting near her. My trainer said if I pushed her off, she would think it was a game and come back (and indeed, if you push Maisie, she comes running STRAIGHT BACK AT YOU!!! I don't push her normally… just in a game suggested by a trainer called "push back and jam" you give them a gentle push away from you then run like mad in the opposite direction… they follow you like crazy and you can call their recall word and use it to reinforce recall… Maisie thinks it is the BEST! GAME! EVER!).

    I just know if I moved Maisie's head or pushed it to the side if she was bitey, she would very much think that was part of the game - "oh you move my head away to try to avoid biting? OK GAME ON!!!!" and try harder to bite.
  7. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Re: Bite Inhibition


    Morning yes your absolutely right Ziva comes back right at you lol ( how I never spotted ) lol

    Good game though and to incorporate recall

    Thank you she bben ok this morning but it is earlie :)

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