Pet sitter concerns

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Mylestogo, May 7, 2015.

  1. Mylestogo

    Mylestogo Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2015
    Just looking for a little advice. I have a pet sitter that comes twice a day (1 hr at a time) to give Myles a break from crate time while I am at work. She gives me detailed reports of how he does, and she knows I'm working hard on training. The problem is that I think her philosophy is "he's just a puppy, releasing energy, etc"... and he seems to maybe walk all over her and I don't like the way she handles it. Example, yesterday he apparently started running around crazy in the house (I've explained to her to turn her back to him and ignore, redirect him). Well he jumped up on porch sofa and started knocking pillows down so she "went out there to stroke him to calm him down". Ugh. Thank you for just rewarding my puppy. I've met with her and shown her some clicker training which I think she tried at first, but I don't think she does it very consistently. She loves him a lot, but I just get so frustrated hearing how she handles his behaviors and I'm afraid she unintentionally encourages bad behaviors. I haven't asked her to walk him because I am working so hard on his leash walking. And it's getting hot here (and gets hot easily) so trying to keep him inside more.

    So basically I'm afraid this 1 hr of play time (twice a day) is just very unstructured, and gives him a lot of time to find some bad habits. Am I just being too picky and maybe should just let it be? Anyone else have experience w/ pet sitters/dog walkers as you are training a puppy? I'm considering finding a more experienced dog walker to do shorter, but disciplined, walks w/ him. I do like that she stays so long (most services around here will come for 20-30 minutes for $18). She stays a full hour and charges only $13.

    I'm open to any honest feedback, and maybe I'm just making a big deal out of nothing and should just let it be? I can be pretty fussy about how other people are w/ my dogs. ::)
  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Pet sitter concerns


    My friend and I look after each other's labs for holidays (I have her's at the moment) She's not really into dog training and her answer to all his behaviours is 'ahhh, he's just being a lab'. Fortunately he's a big soft lump so - apart from grabbing food, pulling, jumping up, counter surfing, early waking --- he's fine!

    When Tatze goes there she gets the same non-training. But when she gets back to me she's absolutely fine. She behaves just as she always does with me.

    So, what I am saying is - if Myles is just the same with you after he's been with her then I would stick with her. The fact that she loves him counts for a lot!

  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    I sort of think if you have someone reliable and that you trust to be kind and is reasonably priced hang on to them!

    I also think no-one is going to train your dog exactly as you want, no matter what. It's also easy to be a bit over zealous about puppy training (I mean think it's all got to be perfect all the time). So long as she is not doing anything too outrageous I'd let it go.
  4. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    Oh dear, what a difficult situation for you. I assume that your pet sitter isn't an animal behaviourist or a qualified dog trainer, but in any event I would expect her to follow your instructions on managing Myles and not do her own thing because 'he's only a puppy'. Sometimes we struggle hard enough to train our puppies with people who should know better undoing our hard work. That she loves Myles is of course a huge bonus, but then owners of obese dogs love them....... If I was in your position I would be having a conversation with the sitter and if there was no improvement in her actions consider finding another sitter who would work with Myles and you.
  5. Morwenstow

    Morwenstow Registered Users

    Nov 10, 2013
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    The devil you know is better than ..............................?

  6. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    I'm more with Julie on this. My cleaning lady is pretty rubbish about training - but I can rely on her; she loves Poppy, always turns up to walk her at the time she says she will. Poppy behaves differently with her than with me. I think if you have someone kind and reliable, who is playing with your pup and not teaching them any really bad behaviors, then they are worth sticking with. Especially considering she comes for an hour at a time, and Myles is alone otherwise during the day. You may not get anyone else as good and kind.
  7. Mylestogo

    Mylestogo Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2015
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    Thank you all, very helpful to hear. I do think she makes an effort, and she really adores him. And he doesn't seem to completely regress when he is back with me. So maybe I should just agree that nobody will work as hard at his training as I will and let things be unless I see a huge setback in his behavior. Ideally I would love for a qualified behaviorist and expert dog trainer to spend 2 hours of productive and structured time with him for $13/hr, but I suppose it's just not reasonable. ::)
  8. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    [quote author=Mylestogo link=topic=10845.msg161604#msg161604 date=1431009708]
    I would love for a qualified behaviorist and expert dog trainer to spend 2 hours of productive and structured time with him for $13/hr, but I suppose it's just not reasonable. ::)

    No.... :)

    If you work and have others look after your dog, unless you are actually paying them to train your dog, then I think you just have to roll with it.
  9. rubyrubyruby

    rubyrubyruby Registered Users

    Mar 30, 2014
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    I agree with the others. I would far rather someone like you have than someone who says they come and don't or soneone who treats my dog badly. My dogs board at someone's house when we go on holiday and I am sure they get away with things that I don't let them, but at the end of the day they come home happy, having enjoyed their holiday as much as we have ours ! That's all that matters to me :)

  10. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    I would add that Myles is still a very young puppy, an hours training is rather a lot in one go for a dog of his age.

    Perhaps a couple of short training sessions at the beginning and end of her visit would work well. He does need time to just be a puppy. Obviously, any real 'No, Nos' must be observed during his playtime.
  11. Mylestogo

    Mylestogo Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2015
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    [quote author=Mollly link=topic=10845.msg161626#msg161626 date=1431017245]
    I would add that Myles is still a very young puppy, an hours training is rather a lot in one go for a dog of his age.

    Perhaps a couple of short training sessions at the beginning and end of her visit would work well. He does need time to just be a puppy. Obviously, any real 'No, Nos' must be observed during his playtime.

    Oh I've never asked her to train him for an hour. Just to incorporate some training into her 1 hour with him so that its not just an hour of unstructured playtime where he is more likely to either start being destructive or get into things. 5 or 10 minutes is what I have mentioned to her.
  12. maisiesmomma

    maisiesmomma Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2015
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    What about getting him a little puppy paddling pool so he can be outside but still keep cool? Going nutters outside is at least preferable to him going nutters inside, and perhaps that would help avoid her reinforcing anything happening in the house, where it is more important he stay calm.
  13. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    If you have found someone you can leave Myles with who loves him and is kind to him then for $13 an hour you have got yourself a bargain :) I'd hang onto what you've got there.
  14. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    Your pet sitter sounds lovely and kind, lucky Myles. I know dog owners that can't get a 30 minute dog walk for that money where I live in the UK :eek: x
  15. Mylestogo

    Mylestogo Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2015
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    Thanks for the perspective everyone. I will relax on the expectations and just be grateful to have the help from someone who really loves him :)

    [quote author=maisiesmomma link=topic=10845.msg161652#msg161652 date=1431023580]
    What about getting him a little puppy paddling pool so he can be outside but still keep cool? Going nutters outside is at least preferable to him going nutters inside, and perhaps that would help avoid her reinforcing anything happening in the house, where it is more important he stay calm.

    I need this! It will reach 100 here this summer and we will need some options for him to be outside.
  16. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Pet sitter concerns

    Charlie absolutely adores his paddling pool :). I have a tiny garden, but I found a decent sized paddling pool and in the summer he got to use it to cool down after his walks. He was very upset when the weather got cooler and he post walk paddles stopped.

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