A Typical Walk with Lady

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by David, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Me: Light breakfast and put on over trousers, walking socks – usually break of at this point to get Lady’s head out of the kitchen bin/shopping/rubbish bags/anything else that smells interesting – anorach, hat, gloves in pocket, dummy in other pocket, tit-bits (one in dog standing on hind legs). Boots on and out. Boots off and back in to get lead and collar.

    Lady: Light breakfast. Stand with toy ready for game. Walk around and around me while being brushed and spruced up. Generally hinder all activities to do with getting dressed and out (see above).

    Both of us: Out and across railway line into field. Check for sheep location – all ok and out of “Fenton” range. Let Lady off lead. All smooth going dog-wise for the next mile or so across stream, two stiles and manage to keep her out of the ditch with the really deep smelly mud. Meet local farmer and discuss the ins and outs of sheep for 10 minutes plus the upcoming shoot lunch on Saturday!

    Into training area otherwise known as the water meadow. Entertain the passengers waiting for the train at the station that abuts the water meadow with Lady retrieving dummies sighted and blind. I think a few rounds of applause would have been good but I guess that would be too much to expect early in the morning.

    Off across the fields generally mooching around and Lady finding out how deep the ditch water is. Meet one Border and two working Cockers – great friends, then a bit further on, Max, the retired Greyhound. He’s really quick but only good for about 500yds so Lady quickly reduces him to a state of complete collapse.

    On further and I take my eye off the ball for just 30 seconds I tell you. It might have been just 10 seconds. Anyway just enough time not to be looking in the right direction. Doh! Send text home to have the buckets of water, sponge and shampoo ready for de-fox-poohing Lady. Bless!

    Back home – tie Lady to patio door handles and convert her to drowndus blackus ratus – but clean and sweet smelling. Cup of filter coffee and biscuit for me. Half a pigs ear for Lady. Bliss.
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: A Typical Walk with Lady

    How lovely and very entertaining! :D Thank you for sharing.

    I look forward to hearing the further adventures of Lady!
  3. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: A Typical Walk with Lady

    great - very evocative - I was with you all the way - my legs ache now off for a cup of tea and a sit down...

    BTW did you know that rubbing tomato puree into fur will de-stink it more effectively than water/shampoo?

    Of course Barney rolled today we were late and I had to leave him unwashed in the kitchen (with the fan on!) while I saw a client -argh!!! How do they time it so cleverly?
  4. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: A Typical Walk with Lady

    David that's lovely!

    Have to say I think rolling in fox poo is possibly the most gross habit (of all the many gross habits) our canine friends have...
  5. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: A Typical Walk with Lady

    Thanks re tip on tomato puree, Carol. Yes know that one but we never seem to have enough in stock. Must put it on the list of dog necessities next time I'm shopping for supplies.

    She really excelled herself today re rolling in pooh! Had to shorten the walk as it was hanging off her and the smell was truly awful. Can't stay annoyed with her long though.
  6. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: A Typical Walk with Lady

    here's another tip = sainsbury basics chopped tomatoes in a box - much cheaper than puree! basics ketchup doesn't do quite such a good job but it does reduce stink better than nothing. Sound like you need to do a bulk shop David!

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