Ziva is a lazy monkey ( Help) :)

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by marie11, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Afternoon Labrador friends

    Ziva over last couple weeks has decided when we go out front door or back door she just goes into a sit which is normal for her as she does this since day she came home but what is frustrating is it now turns into a lie down I don't want to tug her lead and drag her cause this is what will happen tried and she just wont budge plus its not very nice getting tucked and dragged on your lead ,we manage to sometimes get her to move along with a treat but again don't want to get into habit of every time we go out I'm constantly feeding her treats to get her to move . However I have started once we do get going only few feet exited voice lots of praise and she just goes down to lie again what am I to do ,I have tried just waiting patiently 22 min yesterday before she decided to move well we cant keep going like this Iv never known a Labrador to not want to go a walk. so talk about " In you'r own time Ziva " you can only go right our left outside front gate tried going both to no joy mostly.

    Any suggestions
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi Marie - how old is Ziva?
  3. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    She was 4 months yesterday

    Have tried to just wait and let her go in her own time but its becoming pain in bum . :)
  4. AnnaBanana

    AnnaBanana Registered Users

    Mar 8, 2015
    Lola started doing this occasionally on walks, lots of coaxing to no avail, but what I found does tend to work is either, if I'm with someone else, to get them to run ahead of us and call her and also to hide if possible, or if not I get as far behind her as I can whilst holding her lead and run past her a couple of steps, which often gets her moving.
    With Lola it's practically always because she wants to go a different way too the way you're going, so not sure with Ziva when it's going out of your gate? I'm sure other people will have some good ideas :)
  5. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015

    Thank you If neighbours are out or come out either front or back door yes she gets up and wants to move towards them with the wag-gist tail lo lol I have let go of lead and turned my back and walked away but its risky if cars come but I have advantage of living out in country but still busy road where house is which does sometimes get her moving but surely cant keep doing this daily .I will try going other way which we tried in past but she just goes into a lie down and I no bugging till I'm ready lol lol

    Not sure if she just want to go in her own time or just doesn't wan to go or if she being stubborn totally baffled
  6. BeataK

    BeataK Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2015
    Never had that problem with my dogs but if I had I'd try a squeaky toy. First play with her for a while so she knows that the toy is good fun & then put it in your pocket & try to go out. If she lays down again take the toy out of your pocket & make a step or two ahead of her & try to tease her with it - she might just go out wanting to play.. Imho worth trying ;)
  7. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015

    That's a brilliant idea :) cheers

    Wasn't to bad this morning she lay down but after several minuets she just got up and proceeded towards garden but still would love to know why or what is making her this way :)
  8. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I think sometimes its just a phase puppies go through :(. I would go with the squeaky toy if Ziva likes them. hopefully some play before and then going out with the toy will show her that it's something good about to happen. Also lots of happy, exciting voice to encourage her.
  9. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015

    Thanks tried her squeaky toy today small enough to have in my pocket :) she stopped once on way to get bus into village but few minuets later and few squeaks of toy she got up and carried on.Did quite well in village just her usual didn't lie down till we got to Daddy at work ( Butchers) then lay down as if she'd had enough squeaky toy back out wasn't really interested in it , managed to walk 3/4 steps and lay down again and just took everything in her stride and watched the world go by. lol lol eventually managed to get her into car and home

    This afternoon I had hospital appointment so asked Mum In Law who lives next door if she could just look in on her but she took her we walk down road told me when I got home that she feels concerned as this is surely not normal behaviour for a Labrador puppy she lay down couple time s but just briefly as Granny high pitched voice managed to get her going again but said she walks lovely on lead and doesn't pull and sits when a car come :) :) Bless you Ziva .

    Now just wondering Is she lazy....Does she just not want to go..... .Is she taking the mickey............ Is she just wanting to take things at her own pace and just stop for a rest ............ Is she that laid back..........

    Do I need to Discipline her be more firm but I don't no how to

    Cheers and thank you
  10. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Some positives as Ziva responded to the squeaky toy and also to the high happy voice of your mother-in-law. Are the walks when Ziva lays down after she's been playing? Is she happy running around and playing. Has she had a bad experience on the way to the bus so is unwilling to risk it again? All could explain her reluctance. Could you use some high value treats and toss them in the direction you want to go and see if that encourages her to start walking and to carry on.

    There is a reason why Ziva is doing this, it's just difficult to work out the reason sometimes but I guess that's why we love our pups as we do :rolleyes:
    Last resort is a visit to the vet just to check that there's no health problems or physical reason for Ziva's reluctance to walk.
  11. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Hi MaccieD

    She lays down even just going out back door or front door she lay down on step then again at gate when we go out front.Now she had done lay down since day we brought her home when we go out back door she would sit or lie down as if I just take in some fresh air and I go when I'm ready hope this makes sense. But now its still same except once we get out back she lies down on ground like 2/3 steps from back door and gate from front door is about 8/10 feet.

    She is very laid back to say the least yes she plays with her toys and runs around when we go out to garden she happy to play for short time then lies down sunbathing lol lol rather happy to be by herself or quite content to be by herself. we have some heel work or sits and stays for short periods in garden .

    Have got some nice Heart for her in fridge for training tonight so yes could try that and get her to follow and she gets reward as she does by picking up food ???

    Will speak to my Vet on Monday when she gets weighed

    I am absolutely baffled by this I really am

    When she goes into down I honestly cant say if she just saying I go in my own time as I stand and eventually she will get up and move or if she just taking the P***

    :) :)
  12. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Think I would try some heel walking with her using the heart and see how far you can get her to walk without stopping. Juno has always been a quiet laid back girl but we've always had to stop the play and get her to rest rather than the other way round, and she's always been keen to follow us around and go out. I would have a word with the vet just to be certain there's not an underlying problem.

    One thing is definite and that is that she's not taking the p*** - dogs just don't think that way :D
  13. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    :) :) Thanks for reassuring me that she not taking the proverbial. I managed to get some video footage and hoped someone could let me have there email adress to send across to let them see . but need to get hubbie to do it as I don't know how. Will get some more later from moment I have lead on and heading out front door.

    Thanks though
  14. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    You should be able o upload a video in the same way as a photo from one of the hosting sites like flickr. Looking forward to seeing Ziva. Might be an idea to start a new post with the video. Hope training goes better.
  15. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
  16. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    She is gorgeous!!!

    It looks to me like she is walking well on the lead, but she's not really paying much attention to you, Marie. So I think it's an issue of training her to focus on you a bit more and also working on her recall. I'd start this in a safe place, off lead. I'll try to fine a few articles that might help :)
  17. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Here's an article on getting your dog's attention: http://www.thelabradorsite.com/watch-me-how-to-get-your-dogs-attention/

    Video: http://www.thelabradorsite.com/labrador-puppy-recall-video-2/
    Link to page with heaps of recall articles: http://www.thelabradorsite.com/labrador-training/labrador-recall-training/

    And a technique for training your dog to pay attention to where you are on walks: The about-turn walk: http://www.thelabradorsite.com/dog-recall-the-about-turn-walk/


    If you get her attention on cue, and you get her willing to follow you and respond when you call, I think that you will make a bit more progress on walks. Training involves the use of treats, and I didn't notice you using treats in the vid - so, the very first step is actually to arm yourself with a whole lot of very tasty treats. You just need tiny pieces, as big as the fingernail on your little finger. Try pieces of cooked sausage, frankfurt, cheese, roast chicken, steak, buttered toast... That sort of thing should help her to work out that you are really worthwhile paying attention to! :)
  18. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Oberon............. Thank you Will get better look at these tomorrow morning.Yes I said to Rachael earlier that I noticed it more in video that she not really paying attention to me kind of it's going in one ear and out the other lol
    Video.... training wasn't very good as I just wanted to try capture her doing all this sit/down carry on Yes I do use treats sausage,liver,heart,chicken but at Training this morning I was told only to use heart, and liver as big reward for her recall when she came back. as It's high reward treat. Will get Hubbie to bring some cheese from shop .

    Will keep you posted :)

    Rachael you'r a star thank you x

    Meant to add while at training she did the worst recall ever she ran to me then by passed me to go straight to other dogs ..... apparently she more Interested in other Puppie's than me :( so after watching video yup I can definitely see loud and clear :)

    Training here we come ..well more harder training here we come .

    So Is it just lack of Interest that she lying down or is it lazyness or what do you see.
  19. marie11

    marie11 Registered Users

    Apr 5, 2015
    Would clicker training be more helpful , use it as my marker ??
  20. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Using a clicker combined with treats is definitely something that is worth doing. A clicker is really good because it only has one meaning in the world and its meaning is very clear to the dog - "you did the right thing and you are getting a treat for that". Things that help with training are being clear and being consistent and having good timing. A clicker can help us with those things. In terms of having good timing - that means using the 'click' at the exact moment when your pup does the thing you want....imagine you are trying to take a photo of the behaviour you want and click at that instant.

    Watching Ziva in the video I see a calm, relaxed and curious pup who is interested in the things she is seeing around her (e.g. when she lies down to look under the gate I think she is just trying to check out what is in the field). I think all those characteristics are really good! Right now, though, she does not think that you are quite as interesting ;) or that she can win treats from you by responding to you. You can definitely improve that a whole lot with good training.

    One other thing I noticed in the vid is that you are talking a lot. Now, that is only natural for us chatty human beings :) But if we talk all the time to a dog they actually just learn to tune us out a bit, as they learn that it doesn't really mean anything. So, to change that, we need to:
    - reward with a click and treat for giving us attention (so, train specifically for attention)
    - use our voice less often...but when we do use it use it in a more exciting way (be silly and fun)
    - don't repeat cues (if she doesn't respond to a cue then you didn't have her attention or she didn't understand, so fix that first with training instead).

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