Thank you all for your comments and suggestions! Never got here yesterday. Seems I did something with Miss Maui that really annoyed my already injured mid back! So, taking things slowly today. However, I am glad to report that Maui is doing very well in her crate as well as her housebreaking! Yesterday we had NOT ONE accident in the house! She even 'let me know' with a whimper when she needed to go out a couple of times. She actually just did it now in the middle of playing. She goes out in the morning to pee, I feed her and then she goes back out to poop, but later usually has to finish up with another one and she just did that! So, she's getting the idea I would say! She settles down at night too now, although (think I mentioned we have her sleeping on our bed and it's been okay) the other night she learned how to get down off the bed, but not back up ... think that's how I hurt my back, lifting her up while I was still in the bed. In any event, I waited till she really wanted to get back up before I got her and she stayed!! Last night she didn't get down at all. We find if we ignore her energy upon going to bed she settles down quickly and she's been sleeping the night with no problems now for several nights. She goes from 10-11:00 to 5-6:00. I think that's pretty good. She was 10 weeks on Monday. We've had her since she was almost 9. Actually it was just 2 weeks ago today that we drove up to Indiana to get her, spent the night in a hotel and got home the next day late. So, I've been taking some advice from here on the crate. Started slow, few minutes at a time and working up. Sometimes I was closing the door and sitting there, but lately the last few days, I've just been putting a few treats in there, sending her in, close the door and walking away and she's been fine. Yesterday she was doing so well and I wanted to shower, I figured I'd try it and she was great! Once I peeked out and checked and thought she was sleeping .... another time, she was just sitting there. So, total time was 45 minutes. When I came back to the room she whimpered a bit and I ignored it and waited till she stopped, let her out and told her what a good girl she was. So, I'm thinking we are doing okay! The goal of course is to be able to put her in there for a few hours and go out knowing she's doing okay! So, thank you all .... appreciate all the comments and tips!
I'll keep that in mind Granca! For right now, I've not added anything but training treats and kibble to her diet. I guess I'm a little gun shy about all this because as I said, my other dog Maggie, we lost a few months ago after 13 years was really spoiled and a little over weight. My husband gave her scraps all the time and I used to give her a Frosty Paw every morning!! We created a monster .... albeit a very sweet and loving one! So, I'm being careful not to make some of the same mistakes with Maui. I'm sure I'll be adding some of the things suggested here as time goes on, but for now we're keeping it simple! Bananas sound great, but I have a hard time keeping my husband supplied with them as it is .... we'll wait a bit before adding Maui to the mix! LOL!! Good suggestion tho!