My handsome pup is about a week shy of 7 month old now! But i do have a question! Everytime near enough he sees me he will bow. Front paws out in front and bum high in the air. Tail high but doesnt always wag . He stares at me alot. He has done this since i have had him too (9 weeks). So he will bow when i walk into the living room through the kitchen to the bathroom. He will sit and god forbid stare at me whilst im in the bathroom then he will bow when i stand up and then when i stop in the living room he will bow again. It isnt a play bow as such. When he wants to play he will do it the odd time but suddenly and go fetch his ball. What does the staring and bowing mean? Its comical! ;D
Re: Why does my dog ALWAYS bow at me? I think its an invitation to play , Sam does it occasionally and now that we have Millie, he does it to her too
Re: Why does my dog ALWAYS bow at me? Gosh, don't know! Charlie play bows all the time - to other dogs, to his football, his antler...yesterday to a plastic milk carton that fell out of the recycling. Why do you think it isn't a play bow? I've never heard of a different type of doggie bow.
Re: Why does my dog ALWAYS bow at me? Because even if I have played with him and he is soooo tired he will still do it
Re: Why does my dog ALWAYS bow at me? Amy does this when people try to talk to her, but I think it makes them think she is going to attack them!
Re: Why does my dog ALWAYS bow at me? A play bow is a play bow It can be interpreted as a statement of friendly intention as well as an out and out invitation to play. It is also possible I suppose, that in some way you have inadvertently reinforced the play bow with some kind of reward and he has learned to offer the play bow more frequently as a result. Pippa
Re: Why does my dog ALWAYS bow at me? wow i must play with jasper to often, i never get a bow, .......of a morning when i get up he does a a big yawn like talking but thats about it
Re: Why does my dog ALWAYS bow at me? You should put it on cue - then he will be able to do it as a trick. When he bows, say 'Take a bow' and click and treat while he is in the bow position. Eventually he will be able to do it on cue.